How Unilever, Facebook, HP and Others Lead Through Collaboration

Collaboration is vital for making significant progress on some of the world’s biggest challenges. In the next few years, multinational companies will be the key drivers of broad-scale collaborations to advance the sustainable development agenda, according to sustainability experts polled in the forthcoming GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey “Collaborating for a Sustainable Future 2015.” Experts are more likely to say that corporations will play a very large role over the next five years in collaborations that advance the sustainable development agenda than NGOs, multilateral … “How Unilever, Facebook, HP and Others Lead Through Collaboration”

Generation Fairtrade: Taking Action

Following on from our first and second blogs on young people’s expectations of business and their views on the future for Fairtrade, we take a look at teenagers who are willing to take action to spread the word and get involved in good causes. The infographic below highlights some of the findings from our recent study with UK teenagers (aged 13-20 years old) focused on the role of companies in society. Known as “Generation Fairtrade” – because they have grown up with … “Generation Fairtrade: Taking Action”

GlobeScan Webinar Recap: Viewpoints for Business in 2015 – Progress and Purpose

On Thursday, January 15, GlobeScan’s co-CEO, Chris Coulter, moderated a lively discussion with a number of GlobeScan colleagues who presented our most insightful findings from 2014 to help us prepare for 2015. Femke de Man, Caroline Holme, James Morris, and Eric Whan drew on our greatest insights from our ongoing public and stakeholder trends, as well as our custom work to help us understand challenges and opportunities for leadership in 2015, including how to rebuild trust, how to engage and mobilize consumers and stakeholders … “GlobeScan Webinar Recap: Viewpoints for Business in 2015 – Progress and Purpose”

Trends on our Radar for 2015

As we did at the beginning of last year, we share our forecasts for key trends in 2015, examine the challenges that these present for business, and anticipate how organizations are likely to respond. This year, we asked four of our Directors – Femke de Man, Caroline Holme, James Morris and Eric Whan – to focus on a single trend they foresee manifesting in 2015. These themes were examined more fully in our January 15 webinar. Reputation: The Inner Game … “Trends on our Radar for 2015”

A Look Back at 2014 Predictions: GlobeScan’s Year in Review

As we enter the final weeks of the year, we take a look at our forecast trends from this time last year. How have our seven predictions for 2014 panned out? 1. Inequality and vulnerability. We forecast increased global concern about inequality, which has been borne out in our Radar study of citizens around the world, as well as post-Davos conversations and the huge debate around Thomas Piketty’s book, Capital in the 21st Century. And Oxfam’s analysis shows the richest … “A Look Back at 2014 Predictions: GlobeScan’s Year in Review”

Recognizing Leaders: Harriet Lamb, Fairtrade International

Harriet Lamb has been the CEO of Fairtrade International since 2012. As Executive Director in 2001-12, Harriet guided the Fairtrade Foundation through a period of staggering growth, with estimated sales of Fairtrade products in the UK growing from £30m to £1.3bn. GlobeScan Director Caroline Holme recently interviewed Harriet to gain insight on the value Fairtrade puts on stakeholder intelligence to help build recognized leadership in an uncertain world. Fairtrade is different from our non-profit and corporate clients in that you sit … “Recognizing Leaders: Harriet Lamb, Fairtrade International”

Generation Fairtrade: Bridging the Trust Gap

As Fairtrade celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, what does the future look like in the hands of the generation who have grown up with Fairtrade? Following on from our first blog on young consumers’ demand for sustainable products and their views on the future for Fairtrade, we switch focus now to look at young people’s expectations of business. The infographic below highlights some of the findings from our recent study with UK teenagers (aged 13-20 years old) focused on the role of companies in … “Generation Fairtrade: Bridging the Trust Gap”

Upcoming GlobeScan Radar Webinar: State of the World – Progress and Purpose

GlobeScan’s co-CEO, Chris Coulter, will moderate a lively discussion with a number of GlobeScan colleagues who will present our most insightful findings from 2014 to help us prepare for 2015. Femke de Man, Caroline Holme, James Morris, and Eric Whan will draw on our greatest insights from our ongoing public and stakeholder trends, as well as our custom work to help us understand challenges and opportunities for leadership in 2015, including how to rebuild trust, how to engage and mobilize consumers and stakeholders and … “Upcoming GlobeScan Radar Webinar: State of the World – Progress and Purpose”

State of Sustainable Business – Perspectives from Current and Future Sustainability Leaders

For the past six years, GlobeScan has partnered with BSR in conducting the annual State of Sustainable Business survey. This survey gleans insights from professionals within BSR member organizations on emerging trends, priorities, and practices across a range of environmental, social, and governance issues. In 2014, for the first time, some of the survey questions were extended to undergraduate and MBA members of Net Impact (read the report). The goal was to measure the ways that current and future sustainability leaders view … “State of Sustainable Business – Perspectives from Current and Future Sustainability Leaders”

Infographic on the State of Sustainable Business

Our annual State of Sustainable Business Survey, conducted with BSR, again provides important insights into the priorities, perceptions and challenges being faced by businesses and the sustainability professionals who work within them. The infographic below highlights just a few of the key findings from this year’s survey. We see that transparency is both a significant challenge for business, but also a highly important tool in helping to improve continuing low levels of public trust in business. This year we also point the … “Infographic on the State of Sustainable Business”