Insight of the Week: Corporate Affairs Professionals Perceive Growing Trust Among Their Stakeholders
Four in ten Corporate Affairs professionals now feel they are building stakeholder trust that their business operates in society’s best interest, a significant increase from a year ago. This could be due in part to positive feedback companies have received as a result of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Heightened trust in business may also indicate the successes of stakeholder engagement in working to better understand societal and environmental impacts. Data source: Oxford-GlobeScan Global Corporate Affairs Survey Report 2021
ESG also Dominates the List of Corporate Affairs Functional Priorities 15th July 2021 – ESG performance tops the list of Corporate Affairs risk priorities globally for organisations (46%), according to a new survey report launched today by the University of Oxford and GlobeScan. Corporate Affairs experts point to climate change as the most-pressing ESG issue for global businesses over the next two years followed by net zero / carbon emissions and inequality in society. Pandemic management (32%) is the second-highest … “Report: ESG Performance Tops List of Corporate Affairs Risk Priorities Globally for Organisations”
Nearly nine in ten people who recognise the Fairtrade label trust it, compared with much lower trust in companies’ self-reported sustainability performance People are paying more attention than ever to the conditions behind the products they buy as a way to make a difference in the world, according to new research findings released by GlobeScan and Fairtrade International today. Conducted by GlobeScan in 15 countries and reaching more than 15,000 people, the consumer survey points to everyday shopping choices as … “Social and Environmental Values Increasingly Drive Consumers’ Choices, According to New Research”
Performance of Technology vs Social Media Sectors in Fulfilling Responsibilities to Society Net Performance,* Average 27 Countries, 2020 Technology and computer companies are viewed by the general public as performing better on fulfilling their responsibilities to society than social media companies, with people in 25 out of 27 countries rating technology companies higher (people in Kenya and Vietnam rate social media companies slightly higher). Perceptions of the two sectors differ the most in the UK, where people hold particularly negative … “Insight of the Week: Performance of Technology vs Social Media Sectors in Fulfilling Responsibilities to Society”
Most Important Priorities for Corporate Affairs Professionals 2020 Building trust and protecting reputation is a key priority. Crafting and/or delivering on a sustainability strategy through effective stakeholder engagement in order to protect reputation and build trust with stakeholders are three of the top four priorities of Corporate Affairs professionals. Being transparent about reporting on ESG goals completes the top four priorities. Although listed as individual priorities, all four revolve around trust building with stakeholders. Notes: Question wording: Could you name … “Insight of the Week: Most Important Priorities for Corporate Affairs Professionals”
As we continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating social and economic effects, companies are continuing their efforts to become more sustainable — and some are being recognized for their efforts. The 2020 Sustainability Leaders, a GlobeScan / SustainAbility survey of experts worldwide, reveals which companies are perceived to be leaders on sustainability during this challenging time by sustainability professionals representing business, government, NGOs and academia. Over 700 experts were surveyed online across 71 countries in May. Results … “Corporate Sustainability Leadership During a Pandemic”
Public opinion poll on social and environmental corporate performance Amsterdam/Toronto, 14 October 2020 – Research across 27 markets has found that trust in how companies communicate their sustainability performance has increased to a record 51% this year, with significant variations by country. The survey from GlobeScan and GRI asked 1,000 people in each location to indicate whether they agree that companies are honest and truthful about their social and environmental performance. The level of trust is the highest since the … “Rising Trust in Sustainability Reporting Around the World”
On 29 September, GlobeScan hosted a webinar to help better understand the evolving social contract between business & society as we navigate challenging and disruptive times. GlobeScan shared some of its latest Radar trends from its new 27-country public opinion study on views of business, government and NGOs, issues tracking, and shifting societal expectations. The following panel of diverse senior corporate leaders discussed the implications for companies: Francesca DeBiase, Chief Supply Chain and Sustainability Officer, McDonald’s Mzilla Mthenjane, Executive Head, … “Webinar | Business & Society: Latest Societal Trends and Corporate Leadership”
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and with a spotlight on inequality, expectations for companies are shifting. The current circumstances make for an important test of corporate purpose. In summer of 2020, GlobeScan partnered with the Test of Corporate Purpose (TCP) initiative, a project to assess how purpose-driven companies respond in a time of severe global crises and test if they truly “walk the talk” in delivering value for all stakeholders. This research also explored institutional priorities and performance … “Report: Stakeholders Rate Corporate Purpose in Time of Crisis”
Trust in government, business, media, and science has increased as people look for leadership As people look for guidance and hope for solutions during the pandemic and the resulting economic recession, GlobeScan’s Radar survey of 27,000 people across 27 countries shows that trust in institutions such as national government, global business, and press and media has increased compared to 2019. Trust in scientists has also continued to increase, while trust in the medical profession (asked for the first time in … “Trust in Institutions: A GlobeScan Insight Report”