Sustainability Reports Don’t Cut It, Or…

In early October, some 200 experts met in Berlin to discuss the future of sustainability reporting during the 2nd annual conference of the Reporting 3.0 platform. The statement above set the stage for the first of three discussions around the theme of stakeholder engagement. During my opening remarks I made the case that the premise was missing the point and that it is actually not the reports, but the reporters themselves that do not cut it. They need to change … “Sustainability Reports Don’t Cut It, Or…”

Generation Fairtrade: Looking to the Future

As Fairtrade celebrates its 20th anniversary this month, what does the future look like in the hands of the generation who have grown up with Fairtrade? What is Generation Fairtrade? Generation Fairtrade represents a future cohort of citizens and consumers that have never known a world without Fairtrade and the eco-label movement that Fairtrade sparked. They are used to seeing the Fairtrade mark on mainstream products from Cadbury Dairy Milk to Nestle Kit Kats, from Starbucks lattes to Sainsbury’s basic … “Generation Fairtrade: Looking to the Future”

5 Ways to Whet Consumers’ Appetites for Sustainability

Sustainable consumer behavior has improved only incrementally, and remains stagnant or has become less sustainable in areas such as transportation, housing and consumer goods, according to the 2014 Greendex survey. Let’s examine some ways that consumers can change their behavior to increase their sustainable consumption. The fifth edition of this Greendex survey detects increasing concern about the environment, together with increasing awareness of human activity as the cause for climate change coupled with growing concern about how a changing climate will worsen people’s … “5 Ways to Whet Consumers’ Appetites for Sustainability”

Changing Food Habits: Moveable Masses Greendex Segment

Segmenting the Market Using the 2014 Greendex Data Welcome to the first of a series of four short articles that examine the potential for more sustainable consumer behavior within the food category. We draw on our recently published Greendex 2014 study of consumers in 18 countries, conducted with National Geographic, to mine for insights to help governments, companies and NGOs unlock further change. Find After launching the 2014 Greendex at the Sustainable Brands New Metrics conference, we are kicking off … “Changing Food Habits: Moveable Masses Greendex Segment”

New Metrics on Consumer Behavior Change

On September 26th, National Geographic’s Chief Science and Exploration Officer, Terry Garcia, and I were in Boston MA to publish the 2014 Greendex survey on the status of sustainable consumption across 18 countries, the fifth edition of this National Geographic / GlobeScan collaboration. If you are unfamiliar with it, the Greendex is a composite measure of sustainable (or not) consumer behavior consisting of 65 different types of choices and behaviors analyzed and tracked across four sub-indexes. Quite aptly, we chose … “New Metrics on Consumer Behavior Change”

Why We Need a Hope Index

Whether it is the triumph of an underdog, the toppling of an oppressive force or the achievement of the seemingly impossible, stories of hope tug at our sentimental heartstrings and engender a sense of empowerment within our own lives. This feeling of empowerment is not purely superficial. Hope fundamentally alters our cognitive architecture to breed productivity and progress. Just as the Consumer Confidence Index operates as a predictor of our economic future, the GlobeScan Foundation believes that hope can act … “Why We Need a Hope Index”

How to Remove Barriers to Corporate Transparency

Transparency is a key driver of corporate reputation, but it is also an area in which companies commonly underperform. There is increasing external and internal pressure on organizations to become more transparent, not only from customers and employees, but also from other stakeholders such as investors, media and regulators. Stakeholders need evidence that environmental and human rights risks are being systematically managed. But too much disclosure also can create risks. In this edition of Proof Points, we examine some barriers to transparency … “How to Remove Barriers to Corporate Transparency”

Join the HP Living Progress Exchange: Creating a Better Future Through Actions and Innovations

On September 9, 2014, GlobeScan and HP will host the HP Living Progress Exchange, an online forum bringing together experts and opinion leaders from around the world to create a dialogue where we can learn from others, inspire fresh thinking and share good practice. The Exchange will take place using GlobeScan’s new approach to stakeholder engagement: a real-time, online, text-based Collaboration Forum hosted at The Exchange will bring together experts from academia, business, civil society, and government in a discussion … “Join the HP Living Progress Exchange: Creating a Better Future Through Actions and Innovations”

What Do You Think The World Needs More Of?

In celebration of today’s World Humanitarian Day, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon asked us to reflect on the following question: What do you think the world needs more of? Many people hoped that the end of the Cold War in 1991 would bring about global peace and prosperity. Yet the world does not look like a better and safer place today than it did twenty years ago. Looking at current events, naming one thing that the world needs more of appears easier … “What Do You Think The World Needs More Of?”

What Responsible Company? Almost Half of Consumers Can’t Name One

Our most recent wave of public opinion research across 23 countries shows that 45 percent of consumers are unable or unwilling to name a socially responsible company. The top socially responsible brands that consumers do name include a range of global and national brands representing a range of sectors, as shown in the table below. When asked how they learned that these specific companies are leaders, consumers point primarily to personal experience, the media and advertising. These channels are seen as particularly … “What Responsible Company? Almost Half of Consumers Can’t Name One”