2023 Sustainability Leaders | Report & Webinar

About the 2023 Sustainability Leaders Survey Findings from the 2023 Sustainability Leaders Survey, by GlobeScan and The SustainAbility Institute by ERM, finds that sustainability leadership is increasingly measured by the integration of sustainability into business strategy. This year’s findings draw from more than 500 sustainability experts who once again came together from over 60 countries. At the mid-point of 2023, the global economy is still feeling the ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine continues changing geopolitical … “2023 Sustainability Leaders | Report & Webinar”

Insight of the Week: Climate Change and Related Issues Are Urgent according to Sustainability Experts

The perceived urgency of climate change among experts still surpasses other sustainability challenges, emphasizing the prominence of climate change followed by the closely rated issues of biodiversity loss, water scarcity, deforestation, and poverty. Experts’ concerns about climate change have been validated by the recent surge in natural disasters worldwide. Instances such as wildfires in Canada, severe droughts in Latin America, and devastating floods in China exemplify the tangible consequences of climate change, highlighting the urgent need for action. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey of 520 … “Insight of the Week: Climate Change and Related Issues Are Urgent according to Sustainability Experts”

Insight of the Week: Legislation, Disclosure Standards, and Advancing Biodiversity Named Most ​Significant Sustainability Breakthroughs​

Sustainability experts name a range of legislative initiatives along with several disclosure frameworks as key recent sustainability breakthroughs, pushing compliance to the forefront of the sustainability agenda.  Legislation such as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and EU Green Deal, disclosure standards, and the COP15 biodiversity agreement are considered by experts to be the most important sustainability developments in the past year. Other highlighted developments include recent action and commitments by businesses and the rise of green financing. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey of 520 experts … “Insight of the Week: Legislation, Disclosure Standards, and Advancing Biodiversity Named Most ​Significant Sustainability Breakthroughs​”

Insight of the Week: Experts Say Integration, Impact, Targets, and Innovation Drive Corporate Sustainability Leadership 

Sustainability professionals increasingly say that the reasons they recognize companies as sustainability leaders are integration of sustainability into business models and strategy, demonstrated impact of sustainability initiatives, ambitious targets, and innovation, suggesting companies striving for sustainability leadership should take note of the growing importance of these key drivers of recognized leadership in an era where attention is often focused on compliance.  Sustainability experts in all regions and sectors agree that integrating sustainability into business models and strategy is a top … “Insight of the Week: Experts Say Integration, Impact, Targets, and Innovation Drive Corporate Sustainability Leadership “

Insight of the Week: WWF Continues to Be Recognized as the NGO Leader in Sustainable Development

More than any other NGO, sustainability experts continue to recognize the World Wildlife Fund as the leader in sustainable development (named by 42%) followed by Greenpeace and organizations tied to the United Nations such as the Global Compact (15% each) and the World Resources Institute (14%). Collaborations and stakeholder engagement most drive recognized leadership among NGOs according to experts surveyed – nearly half of those mentioning WWF as a leader say this is because of its collaboration and engagement efforts (48%) … “Insight of the Week: WWF Continues to Be Recognized as the NGO Leader in Sustainable Development”

Insight of the Week: Patagonia Overtakes Unilever as Most Sustainable Corporate Leader

For the first time, Patagonia has become the most recognized corporate leader by sustainability professionals, overtaking Unilever which held the top spot for over a decade as the most recognized corporate leader for sustainability in the new GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey.  Patagonia is the most mentioned sustainability leader after transferring ownership of the company to a trust that seeks to address climate change and protect nature. IKEA (10%), Natura &Co (9%), and Microsoft (6%) round out the top five most mentioned companies. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey of 520 experts … “Insight of the Week: Patagonia Overtakes Unilever as Most Sustainable Corporate Leader”