Report: New Research Finds Sustainability Leadership is Increasingly Measured by the Integration of Sustainability Into Business Strategy

June 8, 2023: The latest research from GlobeScan and the SustainAbility Institute by ERM finds that sustainability leadership is increasingly being measured by the integration of sustainability into business strategy. For the first time, Patagonia has surpassed Unilever as the most recognized corporate leader in this space after transferring ownership of the company to a trust that seeks to address climate change and protect nature. As the largest and longest-running survey of its kind, The GlobeScan / SustainAbility Survey has … “Report: New Research Finds Sustainability Leadership is Increasingly Measured by the Integration of Sustainability Into Business Strategy”

Insight of the Week: Sustainability Experts Say Collaboration and Innovation Drive NGO Leadership

Experts say that engaging and collaborating with stakeholders continues to be the main driver for recognized NGO leadership in sustainable development. Innovation and knowledge as well as the scale and reach of initiatives are also seen by experts as important characteristics of NGO sustainability leadership, followed by engaging in activism and advocacy, good communication and reporting, and demonstrating tangible results. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey of over ​700 experts representing business, government, ​NGOs, and academia across 73 countries​  

Insight of the Week: Experts Most Likely to Say Renewable Energy Is the Most Effective Climate Solution

Eight in ten experts believe that increasing renewable energy is an effective potential solution to address climate change. Other solutions that are rated as relatively effective are sustainable agriculture and food system solutions, reducing deforestation, and circular business models. Increasing renewable energy is also thought by experts to be one of the most easily implemented climate solutions. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Institute by ERM Survey of over 200 experts representing business, government, NGOs, service/media, and academiaacross 41 countries​  

Insight of the Week: Climate Action Remains the Most Urgent Sustainable Development Goal

When considering the urgency of all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), experts rate Climate Action as the most urgent goal. The top five most urgent SDGs are Climate Action, Zero Hunger, No Poverty, Reduced Inequalities, and Affordable and Clean Energy.  However, many experts rate progress on the SDGs as poor and find that progress on many critical issues is still too slow. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Institute by ERM Survey of over 200 experts representing business, government, NGOs, service/media, and academia across 41 countries​  

Report: Global Sustainability Experts Say Increasing Renewable Energy Is an Effective and Viable Solution to Climate Change 

Findings from a recent survey of sustainability professionals by GlobeScan and The SustainAbility Institute by ERM show that society’s progress on the SDGs is severely lacking, while at the same time Climate Action (Goal 13) is becoming increasingly urgent. To solve the climate crisis, experts point to increasing renewable energy as the most effective approach that is also among the most viable solutions to implement at scale. This year’s findings draw insights from more than 200 sustainability experts from over 40 countries. … “Report: Global Sustainability Experts Say Increasing Renewable Energy Is an Effective and Viable Solution to Climate Change “

Insight of the Week: Climate Concern Among Experts Has Grown Consistently Over the Past Decade

The perceived urgency of climate change has risen steadily in the past decade, with sustainability experts today almost unanimously calling climate change an urgent issue. As climate concern grows, so do expectations for companies and brands to focus on delivering impact, not only on their own performance but also for the broader sustainability agenda. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Institute by ERM Survey of over 700 experts representing business, government, NGOs, and academia across 73 countries​  

The 2022 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report & Webinar

About the 2022 Sustainability Leaders Survey Findings from the 2022 Sustainability Leaders Survey, by GlobeScan and The SustainAbility Institute by ERM, finds that sustainability leadership is increasingly being measured by evidence of action, impact, and above all the integration of sustainability into business strategy. This year’s findings draw from more than 700 sustainability experts who once again came together from over 70 countries. Just as the pandemic begins to feel more under control, a new disruption hit the world in … “The 2022 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report & Webinar”

Survey Finds Sustainability Leadership is Now Defined by Evidence of Integration and Impact

23 June 2022: A new survey from the SustainAbility Institute by ERM and GlobeScan finds that sustainability leadership is increasingly being measured by evidence of action, impact, and above all the integration of sustainability into business strategy. The GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders survey, which questioned more than 700 sustainability professionals across 73 countries in March and April 2022, reveals a significant evolution in the way companies are assessed on their sustainability leadership. High-profile CEO engagement and strong communication around sustainability … “Survey Finds Sustainability Leadership is Now Defined by Evidence of Integration and Impact”

Webinar | The 2021 Climate Survey: Evaluating Progress

On November 2, we hosted a webinar to explore results of the GlobeScan / SustainAbility Institute by ERM 2021 Climate Survey, which captures the perceptions of hundreds of sustainability experts globally on climate progress and climate leadership, revealing how perceptions are changing and where progress is – or is not – perceived to be occurring. While this year’s survey finds most experts remain critical about climate progress, there are signs of hope that COP26 will shift the present trajectory. Experts … “Webinar | The 2021 Climate Survey: Evaluating Progress”

Report: Survey Finds Sustainability Experts Remain Pessimistic About Our Ability to Avert Major Damage from Climate Change

Public Understanding and Engagement is Essential to Generating a Response to Humanity’s Code Red Findings from a new report ‘Responding to Humanity’s Code Red‘ by GlobeScan and the SustainAbility Institute by ERM show that sustainability experts remain pessimistic about our ability to avert major damage from climate change and about the prospect of meeting the Paris Agreement goals.   While the public and private sector are both crucially important to progress, expert survey respondents say we need more public understanding and engagement to ensure effective … “Report: Survey Finds Sustainability Experts Remain Pessimistic About Our Ability to Avert Major Damage from Climate Change”