Reinforcing the Need for Long-term Purposeful Business in a Capitalist Society: Analysis of Larry Fink’s Annual Letter to CEOs

Larry Fink, CEO and Chairman of BlackRock, published his much-anticipated 10th annual Letter to CEOs in January 2022. BlackRock is the world’s largest investment management firm and the first public asset manager to have US $10 trillion in assets at the beginning of 2022. The letter is addressed to the CEOs of the companies in which BlackRock invests, on behalf of its clients, and lays out Fink’s expectations for how these businesses are managed. This year, Fink uses his letter … “Reinforcing the Need for Long-term Purposeful Business in a Capitalist Society: Analysis of Larry Fink’s Annual Letter to CEOs”

Global Public Opinion Research on Nature | Report

Findings from GlobeScan’s latest global opinion research on nature show that there is a gap between growing concern and high expectations from the public, and perceived performance of most actors in protecting nature and wildlife. Concern about the loss of animal and plant species has been increasing steadily over the past eight years; with a majority of people now believing that the loss of biodiversity is a very serious global problem.       Many people feel a strong bond with nature, as … “Global Public Opinion Research on Nature | Report”

Five Consumer Insights to Activate Healthy and Sustainable Living in Asia-Pacific | Report

Enabling consumers to live more healthy and sustainable lives is not only crucial for our collective future, but also an enormous opportunity for brands to build more trust, loyalty, and engagement with consumers. The Healthy & Sustainable Living global consumer insights research program was launched in 2019 to help companies better understand, engage, and mobilize consumers in this exciting yet challenging area of consumer engagement in sustainability. The 2021 study is the largest yet including over 30,000 interviews across 31 … “Five Consumer Insights to Activate Healthy and Sustainable Living in Asia-Pacific | Report”

The Increasing Relevance of Leading a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle in India | Report

The significant challenges that we have collectively faced over the last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have once again put humanity to the test, and if the start of 2022 is any indication, we will need this resolve to navigate what could be another challenging year ahead. We have re-calibrated over the past 24 months, only to start from scratch and prioritize our personal and professional goals. Living with the changing shades of the pandemic is now a given. … “The Increasing Relevance of Leading a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle in India | Report”

Report: Retail Investors Show Strong and Growing Interest in ESG

Findings from GlobeScan’s latest public opinion research show that thirty-nine percent of retail investors around the world say they have invested with ESG in mind and another 39 percent say they have considered it. Shareholders in Asian markets (especially China, Thailand, and Vietnam) are most likely to have already bought or sold shares because of the company’s social and environmental responsibility approach.  Investment based on ESG considerations has increased over the past two decades in the G7 markets, where 37 … “Report: Retail Investors Show Strong and Growing Interest in ESG”

IKEA Climate Action Research 2021: Enabling People to Live a More Sustainable Life at Home

IKEA is taking action to become climate positive by 2030, reducing more greenhouse gas emissions than the IKEA value chain emits, while growing the business. According to new climate action research conducted by GlobeScan for Ingka Group, the main IKEA retailer, 7 out of 10 people are worried about climate change, and 9 out of 10 people are willing to take individual action. The research was conducted across 32 countries in 2021, asking over 34,000 people about how they think, … “IKEA Climate Action Research 2021: Enabling People to Live a More Sustainable Life at Home”

Report: Consumer Demand for Ivory Remains in Decline, WWF’s Fifth Annual Survey in China Finds

The longest-running annual research of elephant ivory consumers in China — the major market for ivory before the country banned the trade at the end of 2017 — finds that consumer demand for ivory remains on a downward trajectory. WWF, in cooperation with research organization GlobeScan, has conducted the largest ivory consumer survey – 2,000 people in 15 cities – for five consecutive years. This annual survey is the largest assessment of changes in attitudes to ivory consumption, purchasing rates … “Report: Consumer Demand for Ivory Remains in Decline, WWF’s Fifth Annual Survey in China Finds”

Report: Despite Record Levels of Environmental Concern Across the World, Large Gap Remains between Aspiration and Action When it Comes to Sustainable Living

Findings from the latest Healthy & Sustainable Living Global Consumer Insights study shows that the public cares more than ever about a range of environmental issues – water pollution, natural resource depletion, climate change, air pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Individuals around the world also feel personally affected by climate change. In addition, people express a strong desire to make changes to the way they live, especially those under age 30, yet there remains a large aspiration-action gap when it … “Report: Despite Record Levels of Environmental Concern Across the World, Large Gap Remains between Aspiration and Action When it Comes to Sustainable Living”

Report: Survey Finds Sustainability Experts Remain Pessimistic About Our Ability to Avert Major Damage from Climate Change

Public Understanding and Engagement is Essential to Generating a Response to Humanity’s Code Red Findings from a new report ‘Responding to Humanity’s Code Red‘ by GlobeScan and the SustainAbility Institute by ERM show that sustainability experts remain pessimistic about our ability to avert major damage from climate change and about the prospect of meeting the Paris Agreement goals.   While the public and private sector are both crucially important to progress, expert survey respondents say we need more public understanding and engagement to ensure effective … “Report: Survey Finds Sustainability Experts Remain Pessimistic About Our Ability to Avert Major Damage from Climate Change”

Report: Affordability and Availability are the Biggest Challenges to Healthy and Sustainable Diets

Grains of Truth: New EAT-GlobeScan Global Consumer Research on Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems 23rd September 2021: Just half of people worldwide (53%) find buying healthy and sustainable food easy according to a new global consumer research survey conducted by GlobeScan, an insights and strategy consultancy, and EAT, the science-based non-profit for global food system transformation. However, the biggest obstacles for those who find it difficult to buy healthy and sustainable food is affordability (48%) and availability (36%), with a … “Report: Affordability and Availability are the Biggest Challenges to Healthy and Sustainable Diets”