Join us for our SDG Leadership Forum on Clean Water and Sanitation (Goal 6) on Wednesday, March 20, 2019. As part of our ongoing series of online dialogues, this SDG Leadership Forum for Clean Water and Sanitation offers an opportunity to discuss watershed protection, water use efficiency and water access, with a focus on new ideas and how we can reach scale in these critical areas. In this global, online, text-based discussion, hosted live by AB InBev and GlobeScan, we will explore how … “AB InBev and GlobeScan to Host SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation”
“In the next decade, I think the challenges we face will drive new technology innovation by necessity – we will need to apply technology to drive efficiency to address climate change, we will need to use technology to protect people and advance human rights. But to do this, it will require higher levels of collaboration and improved inclusivity in the technology industry moving forward.” How can technology companies help progress the SDGs through innovation? Join GlobeScan and VMware in our second session of … “Innovating with Purpose: Technology’s Role in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”
Join us for our SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 14 on Wednesday, November 28, 2018. As part of our ongoing series of online dialogues, the SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 14 (Life Below Water) offers an opportunity to explore the critical role that protection and restoration of ocean biodiversity can play in achieving the UN’s ambitious 2030 goals, and how different stakeholders can help ensuring healthy and productive oceans for both economic and environmental sustainable development. register for this upcoming … “The MSC, Nomad Foods, and GlobeScan to Host SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 14: Life Below Water”
Capacity Building of Frontline Health Workers: Perspectives from the SDG 3 Leadership Forum | Report
SDG Goal 3 Leadership Forum hosted by GlobeScan / Johnson & Johnson Learn from the perspectives of 200 guest contributors who explored how building the capacity of front-line health workers in lower- and middle-income countries is critical if public health in these countries is to be improved. Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3. What is Sustainable Development Goal 3? SDG 3 aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for … “Capacity Building of Frontline Health Workers: Perspectives from the SDG 3 Leadership Forum | Report”
SDG Goal 17 Leadership Forum hosted by Unilever and GlobeScan Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 17 on global partnerships for sustainability. Learn from the perspectives of 328 participants who explored how partnerships can help fund the Goals and scale up social entrepreneurs. Our discussion focused on the impact partnerships can have in the provision of new models of financing the Goals and in empowering small-scale social entrepreneurs to scale up … “Partnerships for Progress: Perspectives from the SDG 17 Leadership Forum | Report”
Join us for the SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 8 on Wednesday 13th June 2018. As part of our ongoing series of online dialogues, the SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) is a chance for us to make a significant impact together and advance progress on the Global Goals. The UNDP describes the importance of Goal 8 well: “Over the past 25 years the number of workers living in extreme poverty has declined dramatically, despite the lasting … “3M and GlobeScan to Host SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth”
In March, GlobeScan launched our SDG Leadership Series of open, interactive, online collaboration forums on each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our first Forum, hosted by Unilever, laid the foundations for the whole series with a focus on Partnerships for the Goals (#17). The event started with a video message from CEO Paul Polman and the discussions that followed explored how partnerships can help fund the Goals and scale up social entrepreneurs. The overall learning was that a successful … “GlobeScan Launches SDG Leadership Series of Online Stakeholder Collaboration Forums: Partnerships and Health”
Join us for the SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 3 on Wednesday 28th March 2018. As part of our ongoing series of online dialogues, the SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 3 (Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Wellbeing) is a chance for us to make a significant impact together and advance progress on the Global Goals. In this live, online, text-based discussion, hosted by Johnson & Johnson and GlobeScan, we will focus on capacity building and empowering women in the healthcare … “Johnson & Johnson and GlobeScan to Host SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being”
GlobeScan Leadership Forums The SDG Leadership Series is an open, online set of interactive events for stakeholders, hosted in the spirit of Goal #17: Revitalizing Global Partnerships for Sustainable Development. Over a period of two years we will have a series of 17 Forums with hundreds of stakeholders across the world. Each forum will focus on one global goal, connecting stakeholders to share ideas and action for making progress on the SDGs. The inaugural SDG Leadership Goal 17 Forum with … “SDG Leadership Series of 17 Collaboration Forums”