Webinar | Consumer Engagement on Forest Sustainability

The Forest Stewardship Council and GlobeScan recently hosted a webinar to introduce new research on consumer perspectives about sustainability. With deforestation and climate change at the top of consumer minds, the webinar drew from our global survey of 12,000 consumers in 15 countries to explore the following topics: Discover the latest consumer behaviors and attitudes towards sustainability and forestry issues Understand how sustainability influences consumer purchase decisions Hear practical examples from successful brands, how FSC can be leveraged to demonstrate … “Webinar | Consumer Engagement on Forest Sustainability”

Impact of COP26 on the Corporate Affairs Function

Oxford and GlobeScan convened a panel and roundtable discussion on 8 December with members of the Oxford-GlobeScan Global Corporate Affairs Council. The event featured some global public opinion insights on the shifting expectations of the global public regarding the Climate Agenda by Chris Coulter, GlobeScan CEO, and perspectives from Miguel Veiga-Pestana, Head of Corporate Affairs & Chief Sustainability Officer, Reckitt, on experiences at and key takeaways from COP26. The session was moderated by Rupert Younger, Director, Oxford University Centre for Corporate … “Impact of COP26 on the Corporate Affairs Function”

New Study Unveils Consumer Motivations for Exotic Pets in Japan

In-depth consumer research in Japan revealed that the sense of Iyashi (mental healing properties) and Kawaii (cuteness) people find in animals are the most significant underlying motivations for owning exotic pets. In the face of growing popularity of exotic pets globally, the study calls for consumer behaviour change through targeted communications and social mobilization. Among the many threats facing wildlife today, the international pet trade is recognized as a key factor in driving some species towards extinction. Exotic pet trade … “New Study Unveils Consumer Motivations for Exotic Pets in Japan”

Webinar | Healthy & Sustainable Living in Brazil

Akatu Institute and GlobeScan recently hosted a webinar to explore the 2021 edition of the Healthy and Sustainable Living global consumer insights research program, with a focus on findings for Brazil. At the event, Helio Mattar, President of Akatu, and Álvaro Almeida, Director of GlobeScan Brasil, presented the main findings of the research, which aimed to deepen the understanding of: how the topic of Healthy and Sustainable Living is understood by Brazilian consumers barriers and triggers for best practice behavioral … “Webinar | Healthy & Sustainable Living in Brazil”

Webinar | The 2021 Climate Survey: Evaluating Progress

On November 2, we hosted a webinar to explore results of the GlobeScan / SustainAbility Institute by ERM 2021 Climate Survey, which captures the perceptions of hundreds of sustainability experts globally on climate progress and climate leadership, revealing how perceptions are changing and where progress is – or is not – perceived to be occurring. While this year’s survey finds most experts remain critical about climate progress, there are signs of hope that COP26 will shift the present trajectory. Experts … “Webinar | The 2021 Climate Survey: Evaluating Progress”

Webinar | 2021 China Ivory Consumption and Demand Reduction Research

WWF has released its fifth annual report with GlobeScan on China’s ivory consumption. This research was conducted for the first time in Sep-Oct 2017, before the implementation of China’s ivory trade ban on December 31st of that year. The study, which is the largest-ever consumer research in China on this topic, has been repeated every year after the ban to evaluate changes in consumers’ awareness, attitudes and behaviour, specifically past purchase incidence, future intention to buy, consumer profiles and segments, … “Webinar | 2021 China Ivory Consumption and Demand Reduction Research”

Webinar | EAT-GlobeScan Consumer Research on a Sustainable Food System

GlobeScan and EAT (the science-based non-profit for global food system transformation) hosted a webinar to explore findings from Grains of Truth, their global consumer study of over 30,000 consumers in 31 markets around the world about a sustainable food system. This dynamic discussion explored how the world sees a more sustainable food system and the implications for business, civil society and governments. The webinar included a range of global thought leaders, including: Agnes Martin, Health & Diet Advocacy Director, Danone … “Webinar | EAT-GlobeScan Consumer Research on a Sustainable Food System”

Webinar | Healthy & Sustainable Living in Mexico

GlobeScan’s latest global opinion research, in collaboration with Akatu Institute, NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, CVS Health, IKEA, Levi Strauss & Co., PepsiCo, Reckitt, Visa, and WWF International, and locally in Mexico with Global Compact Mexico, Nestlé, and C&A, shows that many people are keen on healthy and sustainable living, but few are able to execute. People say they need business and government to help, not least by providing products and services that make healthy and sustainable living easy … “Webinar | Healthy & Sustainable Living in Mexico”

The 2021 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report & Webinar

About the 2021 Sustainability Leaders Survey Findings from a new report 2021 Sustainability Leaders by GlobeScan and The SustainAbility Institute by ERM show sustainability experts believe the global pandemic will help draw attention to environmental challenges—but will also deepen socio-economic challenges such as poverty and inequality. The GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey has tracked global expert opinions on the evolution of the sustainability agenda since 1997. The 25th edition of this report has taken place against the unprecedented backdrop of … “The 2021 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report & Webinar”