On May 27, in partnership with Huawei, we hosted an informative webinar discussion about how progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be impacted in this post COVID-19 reality and the role of technology. During the outbreak of COVID-19, there have been many conversations, webinars, and convenings on how the world is changing and how we are adapting. In this webinar, we looked more long-term – how business and society can respond to the emerging new reality, using the … “Webinar Recap | Sustainability and Resilience: The World Post COVID-19 and the Role of Technology”
Best Practices on Business Responses to COVID-19 On 2 April 2020, GlobeScan hosted a special webinar and online collaboration forum on ‘Purposeful Leadership in a Time of Crisis’ during which we shared timely research on best practice across the world of business responding to the COVID-19 crisis, and explored what more businesses could be doing to demonstrate even more purposeful leadership. Webinar and Landscape Review GlobeScan captured and categorized hundreds of examples of actions by business across the world in … “Purposeful Leadership in a Time of Crisis | Research, Webinar, and Online Forum”
Asian cities – and Hong Kong in particular – are facing greater challenges than ever before. The economic downturn, ageing population and housing crisis are just a few of the complex issues challenging all facets of society. What actions do people expect from businesses? How can business adapt and foster more inclusive, sustainable growth? Creating Shared Value is a powerful approach that prompts business to rethink its long-term competitiveness while improving social and environmental conditions where it operates. How can … “Webinar Recap | Creating Shared Value: Business Models with Social Impact”
From cancelled conferences and social distancing to disrupted supply chains, not a corner of the global economy is immune to the spread of Coronavirus. Working remotely is growing steadily in popularity both voluntarily and by corporate directive. As more people avoid physical gatherings, GlobeScan is available to help organizations continue with ‘business as usual’ through our online stakeholder convenings, virtual collaborations and webinars. Catalyzing Action Through Collaboration Our unique Collaboration Forum platform brings stakeholder dialogue and collaboration to scale. Real-time, … “Benefits of Remote Working Through Online Stakeholder Engagement Techniques”
Our February 18 webinar explored results from the latest edition of the GlobeScan / SustainAbility Survey (GSS), which evaluates progress on addressing climate change generally, and specifically on corporate action and leadership. GSS is one of the longest-running expert surveys on sustainability-related topics of its kind. In the 2020 Climate Survey we analyzed the viewpoints of over 550 global sustainability experts representing business, government, NGOs and academia across 47 countries on a range of questions including: Importance of various societal … “The 2020 Climate Survey: Evaluating Progress on Climate Change | Webinar”
The Healthy & Sustainable Living study was designed and launched with a range of partners including GlobeScan, IKEA, P&G, PepsiCo, VF Corporation, Visa, Worldwide Brewing Alliance and WWF International to help companies better understand the barriers and enablers of living in a way that is good for people and the planet. The study surveyed 25,000 people across 25 countries to explore current understanding, concerns, expectations, and opportunities to support healthier and more sustainable lifestyles. GlobeScan is hosting a series of … “Healthy & Sustainable Living Webinars & Events”
On October 9th, following the September 24th global launch, GlobeScan and the Akatu Institute hosted a webinar on the new Healthy and Sustainable Living study. Focusing on the insights of the survey with Brazilian consumers, the webinar featured Hélio Mattar, president and founder of the Akatu Institute, Álvaro Almeida, Director of GlobeScan in Brazil, Lígia Camargo, Head of Sustainability and Communication at Danone Brazil, and Aron Belinky, an invited expert for the research analysis. This is a global project by … “Webinar Recap | Healthy and Sustainable Living in Brazil”
Overview Gen Z, the generation born in the late 1990s and early 2000s, is coming of age in a radically new world. In the face of income inequality, school violence, racial injustice and climate change, our youngest generation is standing up, speaking out and harnessing their courage and creativity to claim the future they want – and they aren’t waiting. From their personal passions to their career aspirations to their preferences for brands, Gen Z is proving that they give … “The Gen Z Reckoning: The Purposeful Generation | Report”
About the Survey As part of the the 2019 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey, we asked over 800 experts representing business, government, NGOs and academia across 78 countries to evaluate the progress that institutions have made since the 1992 Earth Summit. We also analyze expert views on which companies are considered to be leading on integrating sustainability into their business strategy, as well as which NGOs are making the largest contribution to advancing the sustainable development agenda. To help launch the 2019 Sustainability … “The 2019 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Webinar”
In May, GlobeScan’s CEO Chris Coulter visited our Hong Kong office and with several partners, we convened a series of events including a salon, a dinner with the University of Oxford China Office, and exclusive breakfast meetings with leaders in sustainability. As a new member of GlobeScan’s Asia-Pacific team who recently transferred from our North America headquarters, it was an amazing whirlwind week to see the range of companies in Asia-Pacific working toward leadership in sustainability. The events attracted more … “Is Your Company One of Asia-Pacific’s Global Sustainability Leaders?”