Indian brands set to conquer the West revealed in new study conducted by GlobeScan for TLG Communications.
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Conducted for The U.S. Conference of Mayors and sponsored by Siemens, this survey of nearly 400 mayors in all 50 US states has found that energy and sustainability efforts have maintained momentum within cities.
Download the Report (PDF) 17 June 2011 – Despite challenging economic conditions, a landmark survey of nearly 400 mayors in all 50 states has found that energy and sustainability efforts have maintained momentum within cities. The study, prepared for The U.S. Conference of Mayors and sponsored by Siemens, was based on survey research conducted from April to May, 2011, by the international research consultancy GlobeScan. Among its key findings, the survey noted: Three in four cities expect their use of clean … “U.S. Mayors Find Ways to Advance Energy, Sustainability Efforts Despite Economy”
World statesmen, actors and musicians start global conversation on food 15 June 2011 – People around the world are changing what they eat because of the rising cost of food according to a new global survey released today as part of the GROW campaign. Agriculture Ministers from the powerful group of G20 countries are meeting in France next week and will discuss the global food price crisis. The public opinion poll was conducted in 17 countries including Australia, Brazil, Germany, Ghana, … “Rising Food Prices Are Changing What We Eat, Reveals New Global Food Survey”
Much of GlobeScan’s recent global public opinion tracking points to the surge of economic confidence and optimism in Asia, even in the wake of global recession. Last year’s Consumer Sentiment Index revealed that Asian consumers were among the most upbeat, and results from our most recent 24-nation survey for BBC World Service on entrepreneurship ranks several Asian countries among the world’s most entrepreneur-friendly.
We asked people to say how hard they felt it was for people like them to start a business in their country, whether their country values creativity and innovation, whether it values entrepreneurs and whether people with good ideas can usually put them into practice. Indonesia and India emerged as among the top five countries in terms of their climate for entrepreneurs, joined by the USA, Canada and Australia. Colombia, Egypt, Turkey, Italy and Russia were the least entrepreneur-friendly. The biggest Asian giant of all, China, ranked alongside the USA as the country where innovation and creativity was felt to be most valued.
But many barriers to entrepreneurship remain—in 23 out of 24 countries, majorities said that they felt it was hard for people like them to start a business. It seems likely that if the feeble global economic recovery is to be maintained, some of those barriers will need to be removed.
Finding from the GlobeScan Radar, Wave 2, 2010
For more information on this finding, please contact Sam Mountford (Read Bio)
Download the Future of Energy Report (PDF) 7 June 2012 – A majority of sustainability experts believe society can achieve a sustainable, low-carbon energy future without nuclear power, according to the latest findings from The Sustainability Survey Research Program released Monday by international consultancies, GlobeScan and SustainAbility. Also, most experts view nuclear technology less favourably after the crises at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant, although nearly half say their view of the technology has not changed as a result of the crises. … “Sustainability Experts View Nuclear Power as “Not Essential” to Low-Carbon Future”
The GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey presents expert views on energy issues and trends.
A majority of sustainability experts believe society can achieve a sustainable, low-carbon energy future without nuclear power, according to the latest findings from The Sustainability Survey Research Program released Monday by international consultancies, GlobeScan and SustainAbility. Also, most experts view nuclear technology less favourably after the crises at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant, although nearly half say their view of the technology has not changed as a result of the crises.
Experts perceive a significant gap between how governments SHOULD and how governments WILL proceed with respect to various other energy options. Four in five experts think their government should subsidize solar and energy efficiency initiatives, but only half think their government actually will do so.
More than 500 experts were surveyed in May 2011 on topics relating to the future of energy. The Sustainability Survey is the largest global poll of the views of sustainability experts.
Finding from The 2011 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey (read the press release / read the full report)
For more information on this finding, please contact Sam Mountford (Read Bio)
Public demand for increased regulation is markedly higher in industrialised nations than in emerging economies, the latest GlobeScan Radar data show.
Respondents across 20 countries were asked to say whether they thought there was not enough, the right amount, or too much regulation across eight industry sectors.
North America, northern Europe and Australia all emerge as regions where demand for regulation across the board is high. China is the only emerging economy which shares this perspective—perhaps an indication of the widespread assumption that government playing a central role in the economy. High demand for more regulation in the USA is clearly at variance with current political rhetoric that demands less ‘big government’. Those in developing nations in Africa and Latin America, in contrast, seem to prefer a light touch approach to regulation while their economies develop.
The findings also reveal that it is often the sector that is critical to the local economy that faces highest public expectations for tight regulation—for instance, the mining sector in Chile (particularly after the recent incident when miners were trapped underground for several months), the oil industry in the USA or the banking sector in the UK. Companies in the sectors in question can expect to come under significant pressure and scrutiny from government and other stakeholders in these key countries to ensure they meet public demands to operate responsibly.
Finding from the GlobeScan Radar, Wave 2, 2010
For more information on this finding, please contact Sam Mountford (Read Bio)
[jumplinks] Download the release 25 May 2011 – Indonesia, the USA, Canada, India, and Australia are among the countries with the best cultures in the world for people to start a new business, while Colombia, Egypt, Turkey, Italy and Russia are the least friendly to innovation and entrepreneurship, according to the results of a global 24-country BBC World Service poll released today. The poll also finds that Americans and Chinese are equally likely to say that their country values creativity and … “Indonesia and USA “Most Entrepreneur-Friendly Nations”: Global Poll”
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In this global food study for Oxfam’s GROW Campaign, it is revealed that rising food prices are changing what people eat.
Public concern about climate change has been on the up since the late 1990s. Fifteen years ago, those who saw it as a very serious environmental issue were significantly outnumbered by those who worried about more tangible and immediate environmental concerns—water pollution and air pollution among them—but by 2009 climate concern had substantially caught up with other environmental worries. Contrary to what many expected, climate concern continued to rise as recession hit, but the last year has seen a sharp … “Climate concern falls sharply, but public remains conflicted”
Genetic modification of food crops is an issue on which public concern has increased significantly in a number of countries over the last few years. Most notably, despite the wide prevalence of GM foods available for sale in the US, this is the market where public concern about genetic modification has increased most sharply—the proportion rating GM crops as a very serious issue now stands at 41 per cent, up 16 points since 2003. Despite the high media profile in the UK and refusal by many major food retailers to stock GM foods, concern there is lower. It is highest in Mexico, where nearly two-thirds consider the issue to be serious.
Finding from the GlobeScan Radar, Wave 2, 2010
For more information on this finding, please contact Sam Mountford (Read Bio)
GlobeScan’s latest tracking of global public expectations and perceptions around business in society reveals that, after a decade in which consumers’ assessment of the corporate world’s performance in embracing social and environmental responsibility worsened steadily, companies may be starting to claw back some public esteem.
The gulf between what people expect of companies in terms of CSR, and how they rate their performance remains substantial, as this 15-country chart illustrates. But this year’s data shows that, at least in industrialized nations, companies’ investment and focus on communicating a responsible message to the public over the last decade may be starting to pay dividends. Continued improvement will very likely depend on companies’ ability to deploy their corporate brands in a credible and holistic way in their CSR messaging.
Finding from GlobeScan Radar Wave 1, 2011
For more information on this finding, please contact Sam Mountford (Read Bio)
This finding is being featured in The Economist
American public support for the free market economy has dropped sharply in the past year, and is now lower than in China and Brazil, and equal to that in India. The GlobeScan Radar 2010 findings show that there has been a sharp fall in the number of Americans who think that the free market economy is the best economic system for the future. In 2002, four in five Americans (80%) saw the free market as the best economic system for the future—the highest level of support anywhere in the world. Support started to fall away in the following years and recovered slightly after the financial crisis in 2007/8, but has plummeted since 2009, falling 15 points in a year so that less than three in five (59%) now see free market capitalism as the best system for the future.
Finding from GlobeScan Radar Wave 2, 2010
For more information on this finding, please contact Sam Mountford.
As a new military-led government takes the reins in Cairo following Hosni Mubarak’s departure, our most recent issues polling is a reminder that bread-and-butter issues, as much as democratic reform, may have been instrumental in the popular uprising, and will be critical if public support for a new government is to be secured. Food prices, rather than free speech, appears to be the problem that most preoccupies Egyptians.
GlobeScan found last summer that Egyptians were more likely to have talked about rising food and energy prices than any other global problem over the last month (see map), and that Egypt was alongside Indonesia, Nigeria, and Mexico in seeing food and energy prices as among the top three most important global issues. In contrast, Egyptians ranked human rights abuses only as the ninth most serious global problem. With prices of food commodities across the world expected to soar further over months to come, can we expect to see Egyptian-style unrest spread across the developing world?
Finding from GlobeScan Radar Wave 2, 2010
For more information on this finding, please contact Sam Mountford.
6 April 2011 – American public support for the free market economy has dropped sharply in the past year, and is now lower than in China, according to a GlobeScan poll released today. The findings, drawn from 12,884 interviews across 25 countries, show that there has been a sharp fall in the number of Americans who think that the free market economy is the best economic system for the future. Free Market Economy Is the Best System When GlobeScan began … “Sharp Drop in American Enthusiasm for Free Market, Poll Shows”
[jumplinks] Download the release 27 March 2011 – Public concern is growing about China’s increasing economic power, according to a new global poll conducted for BBC World Service. The poll conducted by GlobeScan/PIPA among 28,619 people in 27 countries reveals that the numbers who say that China becoming more powerful economically is a bad thing have increased substantially across a number of China’s key trading partners—and especially in G7 countries. Compared to BBC World Service polling in 2005, negative views of … “Rising Concern about China’s Increasing Power: Global Poll”
[jumplinks] Download the Press Release Download the Global Poll 7 March 2011 – Views of the US continued their overall improvement in 2011, according to a poll of 27 countries around the world conducted for BBC World Service. Of the countries surveyed, 18 hold predominantly positive views of the US, seven hold negative views and two are divided. On average, 49 per cent of people have positive views of the US influence in the world—up four points from 2010—and 31 per … “International Views of US Continue to Improve”
Download the Press Release 6 March 2011 – After a decline in last year’s poll, favourable views of Canada are again on the rise, according to a poll of 27 countries around the world conducted for BBC World Service. On average, among the 27 tracking countries, 57 per cent gave Canada a favourable evaluation, and 12 per cent an unfavourable evaluation. The overall positive rating is up five points from 2010, while the negative rating has remained mostly stable. Of the … “Positive Views of Canada’s Influence on the Rise”
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7 February 2011 – Energy issues are a worry for most Miami-Dade County residents, particularly those who feel it will affect them personally in the form of increased cost (94%) and energy shortages in the next 20 years (86%), according to findings from a new study commissioned by Miami Science Museum (MiaSci). MiaSci recently launched the study, as part of planning for the new Museum, aimed at identifying existing attitudes and interests related to renewable energy and sustainability. The research was … “Nine in Ten Miami Residents Express Concern for Increased Energy Costs”
21 January 2011 – A new global poll across 12 countries reveals that more than two-thirds of people polled think that economic statistics like GDP are an inadequate way of measuring national progress. The poll finds that 68% believe that health, social and environmental statistics are as important as economic data, and that governments should also use those to measure national progress. However, the findings also show that support for going beyond GDP has slipped back in some countries since the … “Continued Public Support for Going ‘Beyond GDP’”
This highlights report for a global survey for ICMM confirms that environmental concerns continue to be the top sustainable development issues for the mining and metals industry.
This full report for a global survey for ICMM confirms that environmental concerns continue to be the top sustainable development issues for the mining and metals industry.