Best of 2019 Highlights

As we come to the end of the year, we close out 2019 with a review of our ten most widely read posts of the year. The GlobeScan community gravitated toward our contributions on the Sustainable Development Goals, corporate purpose, transparency, wildlife conservation, sustainable lifestyles, and leadership. We enter the next decade with an energized sense of living our purpose of building trusted leadership to create a better future.  We look forward to working together in 2020 to help build … “Best of 2019 Highlights”

Chinese Consumer Demand for Ivory Remains Down Two Years After Ban

… But Worrying Trend Among Travelers Grows Beijing, China – Nearly two years after China imposed a historic ban on domestic ivory trade, consumer demand for elephant ivory appears to be stabilizing at reduced levels and support for the ban remains strong. However, consumers who regularly travel outside mainland China and a group dubbed “diehard buyers” continue to express a strong desire to buy ivory. World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) third annual survey, Demand under the Ban – China Ivory Consumption Research … “Chinese Consumer Demand for Ivory Remains Down Two Years After Ban”

Report: High Cost and Lack of Support are Key Barriers to More Healthy and Sustainable Living

New research across 25 countries reveals significant opportunities for business and government to enable sustainable living for the benefit of both people and the planet Just-released global opinion research shows that many people are very interested in leading healthy and sustainable lives, but that there is a broad gap between intent and action. People say they need business and government to help, not least by providing products and services that make healthy and sustainable living easy and affordable. The Healthy … “Report: High Cost and Lack of Support are Key Barriers to More Healthy and Sustainable Living”

The Gen Z Reckoning: The Purposeful Generation | Report

Overview Gen Z, the generation born in the late 1990s and early 2000s, is coming of age in a radically new world. In the face of income inequality, school violence, racial injustice and climate change, our youngest generation is standing up, speaking out and harnessing their courage and creativity to claim the future they want – and they aren’t waiting. From their personal passions to their career aspirations to their preferences for brands, Gen Z is proving that they give … “The Gen Z Reckoning: The Purposeful Generation | Report”

Sustainable Apparel Coalition Report: Consumers Want More Transparency

Brands and retailers that don’t disclose information about social and environmental sustainability performance risk relevancy with consumers SAN FRANCISCO — July 25, 2019 — The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), the leading association for the apparel, footwear and textile industry, today published Empowering Consumers Through Transparency, a report that explores consumer sentiment about the importance of transparency in the apparel, footwear, and textile industry. The report, which was commissioned by SAC and written by global research consultancy GlobeScan, is designed to … “Sustainable Apparel Coalition Report: Consumers Want More Transparency”

Consumers See Fairtrade as Reflection of Their Personal Values, Based on Fair Prices, Living Income and Improving Farmer Livelihoods

London, UK, 22 May 2019: A multi-country survey released today shows that a majority of shoppers are familiar with the FAIRTRADE Mark and believe it reflects their personal values. Consumers have trust in the Fairtrade Mark and closely associate it with providing fair prices, a living income and helping farmers to escape from poverty – attributes which are all crucial to building trust. Coffee is the most visible Fairtrade product across the eight countries surveyed, followed by bananas, chocolate and … “Consumers See Fairtrade as Reflection of Their Personal Values, Based on Fair Prices, Living Income and Improving Farmer Livelihoods”

Leading Organizations Launch Global Consumer Study on Healthy & Sustainable Living

25 country study to help identify barriers and opportunities for more sustainable lifestyles May 1st, 2019: A consortium of leading organizations today joined the insights and strategy consultancy GlobeScan in launching a new global consumer research study on the topic of Healthy and Sustainable Living. The study is a collaborative partnership among GlobeScan, IKEA, P&G, PepsiCo, VF Corporation, Visa, WWF International and others that will survey 25,000 consumers across 25 countries to explore current understanding, concerns, expectations and opportunities to support healthier … “Leading Organizations Launch Global Consumer Study on Healthy & Sustainable Living”

Responsible Consumption and Production in Fashion & Beyond: Perspectives from the SDG 12 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 12 Leadership Forum hosted by GlobeScan / C&A Foundation Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12, which aims to “do more and better with less” by ensuring sustainable consumption and production. Learn from the perspectives from more than 250 guest contributors who discussed how we can accelerate our transition to a circular economy – at pace and scale – inside and outside the fashion industry. SDG Forum 12 discussion … “Responsible Consumption and Production in Fashion & Beyond: Perspectives from the SDG 12 Leadership Forum | Report”

How to Reduce Consumer Demand for Wildlife in Asia

Webinar Recap Hosted by USAID Wildlife Asia, USAID Saving Species and GlobeScan In this webinar, we explore how, where and why consumers purchase products derived from four animals: Rhinos Elephants Pangolins Tigers Our experts discuss evidence-based recommendations to help reduce the demand for these animal products among different consumer segments. The research is based on multiple wildlife consumer demand studies in China, Thailand and Vietnam.  The results uncovered the beliefs, attitudes and values of consumers which drive them to buy … “How to Reduce Consumer Demand for Wildlife in Asia”

How Can Business Help People to Take Action on Climate Change?

As we are approaching a tipping point for the climate in the very near future, there needs to be a massive global mobilization to take action and reduce human impact on the climate. But how? A research study conducted by IKEA and GlobeScan that involved 14,000 individuals across 14 countries shows that even if climate change is widely acknowledged, it remains a distant, complex issue. People know about it, but they cannot deeply understand how the issue will affect them … “How Can Business Help People to Take Action on Climate Change?”