Segmentation based on sustainability attitudes uncovers two active consumer groups—Enthusiasts and Minimalists—each requiring a distinct marketing approach.
Environmental worries prompt nearly half of shoppers to alter their diets, according to a GlobeScan and MSC survey
GlobeScan research shows that Gen Z are more than twice as likely to say they frequently experience stress and anxiety than Baby Boomers.
GlobeScan’s research shows that the public across all regions and demographics largely feel that they cannot keep up with a fast-changing world.
A significant proportion of people do not trust their national government to act in the best interest of society.
Over four in ten consumers globally now say they want to make major changes to how they live from both a health and environmental perspective
Perceived high cost is holding back large proportions of consumers from making the changes needed to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
People’s understanding of sustainability and the impact of their own behaviors on the environment are currently quite limited compared to what is needed to address social and environmental challenges.
There is an increasing sense of consumer disempowerment and a growing reliance on systemic actors like government and industry to take on the burden of addressing climate change and other environmental issues.
People are more concerned about the effects of climate change than the potential dangers of AI on the world.