Panel Discussion and Online Forum on Accelerating Nature-based Solutions

On 9th June 2021, Reckitt and GlobeScan hosted a panel discussion and online forum on Accelerating Nature-based Solutions (or ecosystem solutions). This 90-minute online event comprised a livestream panel discussion followed by a moderated and interactive, text-based, online innovation jam where participants were able to connect with peers from around the world to share insights and ideas on the latest trends and perspectives on nature-based solutions, key opportunities and an assessment of the corporate role in accelerating nature-based solutions in the lead … “Panel Discussion and Online Forum on Accelerating Nature-based Solutions”

Radically Better Food | Report & Webinar

4 Imperatives for Regenerative Brands Over the past year, our relationship with food has been transformed in ways that many of us have never known. We’ve become reacquainted with our kitchens during the lockdown. We’ve learned just how fragile our food supply chains are. And new insights on issues from food insecurity and injustice to the environmental impact of how we eat have us reconsidering our relationships with food and the brands that deliver it to our plates. To help … “Radically Better Food | Report & Webinar”

Insight of the Week: High Concern about Climate Change Persists During the COVID-19 Pandemic

High Concern about Climate Change Persists During the COVID-19 Pandemic Seriousness of Climate Change and Global Warming, “Very Serious,” Average of 17 Markets,* 2003–2020 Even with parallel worries about COVID-19 and the economy, environmental issues are still highly concerning for people around the world. Across 17 markets surveyed over the past two decades, a majority continue to think of a range of environmental issues as being “very serious.” Concern about climate change has grown dramatically since 2014 and continues to … “Insight of the Week: High Concern about Climate Change Persists During the COVID-19 Pandemic”

Insight of the Week: Strong Support for Government Efforts to Reduce Future Pandemics through Ending Deforestation

Strong Support for Government Efforts to Reduce Future Pandemics through Ending Deforestation Consumers in China, Myanmar, Thailand, the U.S., and Vietnam, 2021 As human activities such as deforestation increase the risk of disease transfer between animals and humans, an overwhelming majority of people in China, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and the U.S. support government action to curb this destructive practice. Identifying and capitalizing on public support for measures helps drive policy change. Given the strong support for preserving forests, there is … “Insight of the Week: Strong Support for Government Efforts to Reduce Future Pandemics through Ending Deforestation”

Report: Consumption of Wildlife Drops Almost 30% Over Perceived Links to Pandemics Like COVID-19

WWF survey also finds overwhelming public support for action on key drivers of pandemics and nature loss’ 24 May 2021 – As the World Health Assembly opens today against a backdrop of continued suffering caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 30% of people surveyed across China, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam and the United States say they have consumed less or stopped consuming wildlife altogether because of the health crisis. More specifically, 28% among those surveyed in China consume less wildlife … “Report: Consumption of Wildlife Drops Almost 30% Over Perceived Links to Pandemics Like COVID-19”

Insight of the Week: People in Most Countries Say Their Governments Are Doing a Poor Job of Protecting Nature and Wildlife

People in Most Countries Say Their Governments Are Doing a Poor Job of Protecting Nature and Wildlife Performance of National Government on Protecting Nature and Wildlife, Net Performance,* by Country, 2020  National governments are widely seen as being poor performers when it comes to protecting the natural world. Out of 27 countries and territories surveyed, only those in Asia and Saudi Arabia rate government mostly positively. Saudi Arabian, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Indian respondents rate their governments positively on protecting nature … “Insight of the Week: People in Most Countries Say Their Governments Are Doing a Poor Job of Protecting Nature and Wildlife”

Webinar | Public Perceptions about Pandemics and Their Links to Nature

On May 24, WWF and GlobeScan released the results of the most comprehensive research to date in the US and Asia on public understanding and perceptions about pandemics and their connection to wildlife trade and deforestation. Given COVID-19’s origin as a zoonotic disease – one that spreads from animals to humans – people’s perceptions and behavior around the purchase of wild animals as food, pets and luxury items are of particular interest to monitor during this time. In early 2021, … “Webinar | Public Perceptions about Pandemics and Their Links to Nature”

Insight of the Week: Significant Drop in Ivory Consumption Shows Potency of Governmental Action and Social Marketing

Significant Drop in Ivory Consumption Shows Potency of Governmental Action and Social Marketing Ivory Purchase in Past 12 Months, Chinese Consumers, 2017–2020 The ivory ban implemented in 2018 led to a significant drop in ivory purchase in China, which declined 17 percentage points from 2017. In the past year, just 12 percent of Chinese consumers claim to have purchased ivory. These latest declines are likely the result of effective public campaigns to end ivory purchases. This example highlights the impact … “Insight of the Week: Significant Drop in Ivory Consumption Shows Potency of Governmental Action and Social Marketing”

Insight of the Week: Young Consumers Are More Willing to Engage in the Sharing Economy and Circular Behaviors

Young Consumers Are More Willing to Engage in the Sharing Economy and Circular Behaviors “Extremely” and “Very Interested,” by Age, Average of 27 Countries, 2020 Globally, younger people are consistently more interested in circular behaviors like using returnable containers for purchases or renting and sharing items. Those over 30 years old are less likely to favor the shared economy model. Consumers across age groups are interested in actions that support circular behavior. They are most interested in activities where retailers help … “Insight of the Week: Young Consumers Are More Willing to Engage in the Sharing Economy and Circular Behaviors”

Insight of the Week: Germany and Scandinavian Countries Seen as Most Likely to Implement the European Green Deal

Germany and Scandinavian Countries Seen as Most Likely to Implement the European Green Deal Countries Most Likely vs Least Likely To Do Their Fair Share to Implement the European Green Deal, Total Mentions, Expert Stakeholders, Globally, 2020/21 When asked which countries are most likely to do their fair share to implement the European Green Deal, more than half of sustainability experts surveyed point to Germany and Scandinavian countries. In contrast, Poland and Hungary are among the least likely contributors, followed … “Insight of the Week: Germany and Scandinavian Countries Seen as Most Likely to Implement the European Green Deal”