Two Thirds of Seafood Consumers Call For “Radical or Significant” Change to Feed Growing Population

A major survey of seafood consumers across seven countries in Europe, Asia, and North America has found widespread concern about the environmental and social impacts of food, with two thirds (63%) calling for “radical” or “significant” change to feed the world’s growing population. The survey of over 7,000 seafood consumers in Germany, France, The Netherlands, China, Japan, Canada and the USA was carried out by GlobeScan on behalf of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) in summer 2019. While it found … “Two Thirds of Seafood Consumers Call For “Radical or Significant” Change to Feed Growing Population”

The Latest Trends That Will Shape 2020 and Beyond | Report

Radar is a global public opinion research program of evidence and insights that is a vital part of GlobeScan’s contribution to helping influential organizations understand material issues, societal trends and the expectations people have of them. In uncertain times, leadership organizations need to build trust with their stakeholders and society and better engage with their external context. Since 1997, GlobeScan Radar has explored questions such as how concerns about several economic, environmental and social issues are changing, how people’s preferences … “The Latest Trends That Will Shape 2020 and Beyond | Report”

More People Are Feeling Anxiety, Fear Over Climate Change, But Action Stagnates

The global population is becoming more informed and increasingly anxious about climate change, according to a new global climate action report from IKEA. The study of 31,000 people across 30 countries shows that despite recognising the collective need to do more, individuals feel disempowered and action is stagnating.  The global study was conducted to understand how people think and feel about climate change, and what they are doing to address it in their daily lives. The Climate Action Report was released by Ingka Group, a strategic partner in … “More People Are Feeling Anxiety, Fear Over Climate Change, But Action Stagnates”

Best of 2019 Highlights

As we come to the end of the year, we close out 2019 with a review of our ten most widely read posts of the year. The GlobeScan community gravitated toward our contributions on the Sustainable Development Goals, corporate purpose, transparency, wildlife conservation, sustainable lifestyles, and leadership. We enter the next decade with an energized sense of living our purpose of building trusted leadership to create a better future.  We look forward to working together in 2020 to help build … “Best of 2019 Highlights”

Climate Change: A GlobeScan Insight Report

People across the world are increasingly worried about climate change, especially Gen Z Citizens across the world are increasingly saying that climate change is a serious issue; it now ranks among the top of a range of 18 global issues that people in 25 countries surveyed say are “very serious.” Concern about climate change ranks third after terrorism and environmental pollution in general, and on par with corruption and the depletion of natural resources. Over the past five years, concern … “Climate Change: A GlobeScan Insight Report”

Consumers Need More Affordable Access to Healthy and Sustainable Living

New research in the United States and across 25 countries reveals significant opportunities for business and government to enable sustainable living for the benefit of both people and the planet. Results from GlobeScan’s Healthy & Sustainable Living Consumer Insights Study 2019 show that many Americans are very concerned about environmental issues and many are interested in leading healthy and sustainable lives, but few are able to do so effectively. People say they need government and business to help, not least … “Consumers Need More Affordable Access to Healthy and Sustainable Living”

The 2019 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report

About the Survey The BSR/GlobeScan 11th Annual State of Sustainable Business Survey communicates the sustainability issues that companies are most focused on today. The survey includes responses from business leaders representing 125 global companies. Introduction The world is changing at a rapid pace. New technologies, shifting cultural norms, evolving economic structures, and unprecedented environmental threats are reshaping the planet. This survey provides insight into the world of sustainable business and identifies common perceptions and practices of corporate sustainability professionals. This is … “The 2019 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report”

GlobeScan Announces Partnership with One Tree Planted

Planting with Purpose to Create a Forest Built on Stakeholder Research GlobeScan is delighted to announce a new partnership with One Tree Planted, an environmental charity with a focus on global reforestation. As an insights and strategy consultancy, we conduct tens of thousands of interviews with stakeholders around the world each year for our clients and we have chosen to incentivize stakeholders to participate in our research by planting trees in return for their valuable time. Trees help clean the … “GlobeScan Announces Partnership with One Tree Planted”

Sustainable Apparel Coalition Report: Consumers Want More Transparency

Brands and retailers that don’t disclose information about social and environmental sustainability performance risk relevancy with consumers SAN FRANCISCO — July 25, 2019 — The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), the leading association for the apparel, footwear and textile industry, today published Empowering Consumers Through Transparency, a report that explores consumer sentiment about the importance of transparency in the apparel, footwear, and textile industry. The report, which was commissioned by SAC and written by global research consultancy GlobeScan, is designed to … “Sustainable Apparel Coalition Report: Consumers Want More Transparency”

Recognizing Leaders: Janice Lao, Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels

Janice Lao is Director, Group Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at the Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels (HSH), which owns and operates the Peninsula Hotels and other luxury real estate around the world. HSH’s 2018 sustainability report can be found here. GlobeScan’s Asia Pacific Director Wander Meijer spoke to Janice about corporate leadership, the trajectory from the why to the how, and on communicating sustainable luxury. Hongkong Shanghai Hotels was established in 1866 and is one of the oldest hospitality corporations. Is … “Recognizing Leaders: Janice Lao, Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels”