People remain largely receptive to healthy and sustainable offerings, associating them with highly desirable and positive lifestyles.
In GlobeScan’s 2020 Healthy & Sustainable Living survey of global consumers, 74% said they agree that they need to consume less to preserve the environment for future generations, vs 66% in 2019. But opinions are mixed when it comes to shopping secondhand, renting or leasing items — pointing to the persistence of that pesky intention-action gap. A perfect storm is emerging that points to a growing need for a more circular economy. Read the full article on
Young Consumers Are More Willing to Engage in the Sharing Economy and Circular Behaviors “Extremely” and “Very Interested,” by Age, Average of 27 Countries, 2020 Globally, younger people are consistently more interested in circular behaviors like using returnable containers for purchases or renting and sharing items. Those over 30 years old are less likely to favor the shared economy model. Consumers across age groups are interested in actions that support circular behavior. They are most interested in activities where retailers help … “Insight of the Week: Young Consumers Are More Willing to Engage in the Sharing Economy and Circular Behaviors”
Next month, GlobeScan and its growing set of brand partners will conduct their latest annual Healthy & Sustainable Living survey of roughly 30K people across 30 markets to explore consumer motivations, needs and expectations; as well as opportunities for influential organizations to support healthier and more sustainable living. Over the past year, COVID-19 has disrupted lives all around the world. Due to lockdown, our daily habits have changed dramatically in a very short time — but it’s impossible to say … “Will Sustainable Consumer Behaviors, Attitudes Persist Post-Pandemic?”
GlobeScan is once again joining forces with a range of committed partners – Akatu Institute, NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, CVS Health, IKEA, Levi Strauss & Co., PepsiCo, Reckitt, Visa, and WWF International – to conduct our annual Healthy & Sustainable Living global consumer research study. Building on the insights from the 2019 and 2020 studies, this year’s research across 30 markets will help identify opportunities to close the gap between peoples’ desire to live more sustainably and to … “Purpose-driven Brands and Civil Society Join Forces with GlobeScan to Help Consumers Live More Healthy and Sustainable Lives”
According to the Global Footprint Network, humans are consuming resources at a rate of more than 1.7 times faster than the planet can regenerate them. While there are no simple solutions, this imbalance presents a significant opportunity to enable more sustainable lifestyles. Indeed, finding ways to engage and mobilize 8 billion people to live healthier and more sustainably is arguably one of the great priorities of this Decade of Action as the world works to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development … “Breakthrough: Seven Unlocks to Scaling Healthy and Sustainable Living | Report”
The growing appetite for a shift away from meat-based diets is good news for addressing a range of health and climate issues. But business has a critical role to play in making the transition as affordable, accessible and delicious as possible. The COVID-19-enforced lockdowns have been tough on all of us. To combat boredom, depression and anxiety, and to boost mental wellbeing, many of us have turned to exercise as a coping mechanism. The market for home fitness equipment grew … “Giving Up Meat = Healthy Living = Healthy Planet. Are We at a Dietary Inflection Point?”
Significant Opportunities for Plant-Based Alternatives to Real Meat, Especially in Asia and Latin America Preference for Meat vs Plant-based by Country, 2020 (Subsample: Meat eaters, representing 91% of the global population) Most meat-eaters globally prefer real meat to alternatives made from plants if price and taste remained equal (59% vs 41%). In seven out of the 27 countries surveyed, majorities say they would prefer plant-based to real meat, including in Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Thailand, and Vietnam. Younger consumers … “Insight of the Week: Significant Opportunities for Plant-Based Alternatives to Real Meat, Especially in Asia and Latin America”
These days, it’s hard to argue that sustainability is a niche consumer interest. A vast majority of consumers worldwide believe we need to consume less, according to research by GlobeScan. More to the point, 57 percent of consumers in that survey were willing to pay more for sustainable products. But only about a quarter of them actually made any sustainable changes to their lifestyle or consumption. So what gives? “There’s this really marked intention-action gap when we’re asking people to … “The ‘Last Mile’ of Consumer Sustainability Behavior”
Consumers Believe That Affordability of Responsible Products and Services Is Key Preferred Company Actions to Help People and the Environment, Average of 27 Countries, 2020 When asked what companies can do to enable healthy and sustainable living, consumers globally prioritize ensuring affordable yet responsible products. This is consistent across almost all 27 markets surveyed and across all generations, highlighting how pivotal affordability is for consumers to be able to change their behavior at scale. Notes: Question wording: What are the … “Insight of the Week: Consumers Believe That Affordability of Responsible Products and Services Is Key”