Five Global Mega Trends Shaping The Future

The events of 2016 have underscored just how volatile, complex and ambiguous the world is today. Drawing on insights that we have collected around the world from thousands of interviews and engagements with stakeholders and consumers, we take a look at the global shifts that will continue to shape the world for leadership organizations in 2017. A Polarized World History now confirms that we live in a fractured world with people polarized in their views on many issues and in … “Five Global Mega Trends Shaping The Future”

Recognizing Leaders: Dr. Mukund Rajan, Tata

Dr. Mukund Rajan is the erstwhile Brand Custodian at the Tata group of companies, now responsible for the sustainability practice there. Boasting global brands that include Jaguar, Land Rover, Tetley Tea, and Tata Steel, the Tata group of companies is one of the success stories of emerging economy companies going global. GlobeScan Chairman Doug Miller had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Rajan about Tata’s remarkable story, which remains relatively unknown outside of India. Dr. Rajan, I’d like to start with … “Recognizing Leaders: Dr. Mukund Rajan, Tata”

Managing Trust Risk: Rethinking the Value of the Corporate Affairs and Communications Function

Trust has never been so high on a company’s agenda and this is for good reason. Trust in business has become a scarce commodity. The stakes are high and risks well-known: disruption in the stakeholder eco-system, loss of reputation, and potential financial turmoil. Continue reading this article in Communication Director, the official partner magazine of the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD)

Recognizing Leaders: Lauren Moore, Johnson & Johnson

Lauren joined Johnson & Johnson in 2015, and is Vice President, Global Community Impact. She has held leadership roles in Corporate Social Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Philanthropic efforts at eBay Inc (2009-2015) and Starbucks Coffee Company (2000-2008). Prior to her work in Corporate Social Responsibility, she held leadership roles with several NGOs. GlobeScan co-CEO Chris Coulter recently interviewed Lauren to reflect on her first year in Johnson & Johnson and how the company is approaching health from a global community … “Recognizing Leaders: Lauren Moore, Johnson & Johnson”

Recognizing Leaders: John Schulz, AT&T

John Schulz is Director of Sustainability Operations at AT&T. In this role, John works across the business, with customers and with credible third parties to identify how AT&T products and services can be important solutions for pressing environmental and social problems. John began his AT&T career in the Corporate Real Estate group and migrated into leadership roles with the Energy and Corporate Sustainability organizations. GlobeScan Director James Morris recently spoke with John about the key challenges we are currently facing … “Recognizing Leaders: John Schulz, AT&T”

Managing Trust Risk: an Interview with GlobeScan co-CEO Christophe Guibeleguiet

Prior to our webinar and publication of a new GlobeScan report that aims to surface the main challenges, most compelling opportunities, and best practices in trust management, we asked GlobeScan CEO, Christophe Guibeleguiet, for his views on how corporate affairs professionals can manage trust risk within their organizations. Based on your experience of advising multinationals, and engaging with their stakeholders, what are the main challenges facing global organizations today? The challenges are both strategic and operational. Strategically, shifting stakeholder demands and … “Managing Trust Risk: an Interview with GlobeScan co-CEO Christophe Guibeleguiet”

Corporate Sustainability is a Team Sport

When something is described as a “team sport” it means that success can only be achieved when everyone on the team works together, and toward the same goal. How can this principle apply to corporate sustainability? The latest results of our 8th annual BSR/GlobeScan “State of Sustainable Business Survey” drive home the fact that, for companies to make greater progress in sustainability, all the players on the team (and the coach) need to work together much more effectively. The 2016 … “Corporate Sustainability is a Team Sport”

Upcoming Webinar: Managing Trust Risk: Insights from a Global Consultation with Corporate Affairs Practitioners

On November 9 at 11am EST / 8am PST / 3pm GMT, we’ll be hosting a live webinar discussion titled “Managing Trust Risk: Insights from a Global Consultation with Corporate Affairs Practitioners.” The trust deficiency that many businesses are facing is an underlying threat to their license to operate, that also undermines the reputation equity. Trust has become such a critical strategic issue that it needs to be fully integrated as part of risk management, and this evolution has reshuffled … “Upcoming Webinar: Managing Trust Risk: Insights from a Global Consultation with Corporate Affairs Practitioners”

Recognizing Leaders: Diane Osgood, Virgin

Diane Osgood is the Director of Business Innovation at Virgin Management where she works with the executive teams at Virgin business to define and integrate purpose and sustainability across all areas of operations. She works across functions such as brand, people (HR), business and product innovation, customer experience, environmental performance and charitable activities. She brings two decades of experience in corporate sustainability, purpose development and partnership development. GlobeScan Director Eric Whan recently spoke with Diane about how Virgin has become … “Recognizing Leaders: Diane Osgood, Virgin”