Since 1987, GlobeScan has been providing evidence-led strategy to companies, NGOs and governmental organizations. While our work will continue to be based on insights and advisory support to help our clients around the world build more trust with their stakeholders, our ambition and focus have evolved with changing times. We are delighted to announce the launch of our new look website which kicks off GlobeScan’s fourth decade. We have repositioned our purpose to be about “building trusted leadership to create … “Celebrating 30 Years of GlobeScan With a New Look”
A GlobeScan Radar eBrief As part of our latest Radar research program, we asked citizens in 21 countries about their awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals one year on from the launch, as well as the views of those in 15 countries on different institutions’ performance in acting to implement them. While awareness is fairly low in 2017, nearly four in ten global respondents report having at least some awareness about the Goals. Among the general public around the world, corporate … “Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) | Report”
We are delighted to invite you to our November 22 webinar on results from the latest edition of the GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey (GSS), which focused on climate change and progress made on the Paris Agreement. Starting at 11am Hong Kong / 8:30am Mumbai / 2pm Sydney, the discussion will be led by Wander Meijer, Asia Pacific Director, GlobeScan, Andrew Petersen, Chief Executive Officer, Sustainable Business Australia, Rebecca Mikula-Wright, Climate Change & ESG Investment Consultant at the Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC), and Jeanne Ng, Director, Group Sustainability at CLP Power … “Upcoming Webinar | Beyond COP23: Findings from the 2017 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey on Climate Change”
Suzanne Fallender is Intel’s Director of Corporate Responsibility. In this role, she collaborates with key stakeholders across the company to integrate corporate responsibility concepts into company strategies, policies, public reporting, and stakeholder engagement activities to advance Intel’s corporate responsibility leadership and create positive social impact and business value. GlobeScan Director James Morris spoke to Suzanne about Intel’s approach to corporate responsibility. After three years directing Intel’s girls and women’s empowerment programs, you’ve been back in the wider corporate responsibility field at … “Recognizing Leaders: Suzanne Fallender, Intel”
On September 12, GlobeScan hosted a webinar with the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) to explore the latest perspectives on opportunities and challenges facing the sector. ICMM’s CEO Tom Butler and Research Manager Fernanda Diez were joined by GlobeScan co-CEO Chris Coulter and Associate Director Lionel Bellier for a lively and evidence-rich discussion on the mining industry’s progress towards sustainable development, and the role of ICMM in channelling industry leadership in responsible business practices. Drawing on GlobeScan’s primary research amongst ICMM’s stakeholders the webinar generated dialogue on the industry challenges, the role of … “Webinar Recap | Stakeholder Perceptions Towards Mining Industry: Opportunities and Challenges”
More deeply understanding some of the key challenges facing young people across North America, Latin America and the Caribbean is in line with Scotiabank’s new strategy to invest 70% of its philanthropic support to organizations that help young people in the community. To help assess the state of health & well-being and education of young people in these communities, we worked in partnership with Scotiabank and an advisory council of leading external experts on key issues impacting young people to develop the Scotiabank … “Developing the Scotiabank Young People in the Community Index | Report”
GlobeScan has been tracking global public perceptions and engagement around climate change since 1998. We have also convened consumers and stakeholders through focus groups, interviews, and events to understand key opinions, barriers, and opportunities around climate action. Through all these years of research, a common and frustrating theme has emerged: climate change has a major PR problem, and it’s not necessarily getting any better. For global corporations, governments, and civil society organizations to be able to take the urgent action … “Three Major Pitfalls of Public Engagement on Climate Change and What to Do About Them”
On July 27, we hosted a webinar with SIGWATCH titled: Saint, Sinner or Change Maker? Measuring the Impact of NGOs on Corporate Reputation. It’s a truism that today’s NGOs are political weather-makers across a wide range of issues. From the environment and consumerism to human rights and animal welfare, we see corporations often struggling with NGO-led public policy storms nationally and globally. What is the effect of NGO campaigns on corporate reputation? Are they affecting public trust in NGOs versus business, and … “Webinar Recap: Saint, Sinner or Change Maker? Measuring the Impact of NGOs on Corporate Reputation”
The annual BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey (now in its ninth year) provides insights into the world of sustainable business and aims to identify common perceptions and practices of corporate sustainability professionals. The 2017 survey offers unique insights on how companies are implementing sustainability goals, strengthening business resilience, and contributing to global development and climate change agendas. In addition to capturing the views of sustainability professionals, this year’s survey underscores how well sustainability is being incorporated into company practices … “The 2017 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey | Report”
With all that has happened over the past 12 months, it felt appropriate to include this Star Wars reference in the title of this blog. Far from being gratuitous, I use it to highlight the positive reaction that many businesses have had to the significant political shocks and instability that we have been witnessing. In BSR and GlobeScan’s ninth annual Sustainable Business Survey, a majority of corporate sustainability professionals say they are confident that their companies will stay the course … “Stay on Target! Stay on Target! – Results from the Ninth Annual BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey”