Why Companies Must Win the Trust of Aspirational Consumers

Over the past two years, GlobeScan and its colleagues at BBMG have tracked the emergence of a market segment that is driving sustainability toward a tipping point. It is one where consumer motives are shifting away from obligation to do the right thing to desire to consume both differently and better. Choice frameworks are transitioning from “Or,” the trade-off model, to “And,” the co-benefit model. We call this important market segment the Aspirationals. In this edition of Proof Points, we ask which brands will be … “Why Companies Must Win the Trust of Aspirational Consumers”

Stakeholder Intelligence is Crucial for the Long Term Success of South African Companies

We recently held our first roundtable event in South Africa where attendees from a mix of industries including extractives, food & beverage, forestry, healthcare, financial services, tobacco, telecommunications and IT came together to discuss  stakeholder engagement and its place in the South African market. GlobeScan’s South African representative Anneke Greyling, presented new research findings on the current state of stakeholder engagement in South Africa which showed that the landscape is clearly changing but it is questionable whether corporates are adapting … “Stakeholder Intelligence is Crucial for the Long Term Success of South African Companies”

Freedom is in the Eye of the Beholder: Trust in National Governments is Associated with Perceived Freedom of Speech

In light of the recent global debate on the morality of mass surveillance programmes, GlobeScan has teamed up with the BBC World Service to ask over 17,000 people what their perspectives are on freedom and the right to privacy. In previous blog posts, we have used this data to show that Peru, Australia and Canada represent the freest democratic states (as indicated by our Perceived Freedom Index), and that an individual’s sense of freedom is not determined by socioeconomic or … “Freedom is in the Eye of the Beholder: Trust in National Governments is Associated with Perceived Freedom of Speech”

How Governments Fail to Lead on Sustainability

National governments must lead the transition to sustainable development, our experts say. Yet the latest GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey confirms what we all know: Governments are failing to deliver, resoundingly. What’s new about these latest findings is just how low the performance of national governments has fallen in the eyes of observers. Virtually none of our expert panel that was surveyed rates government performance as excellent, and just 3 percent give it a positive score of 4 out of 5. In the context of … “How Governments Fail to Lead on Sustainability”

A Deeper Look at Freedom: How Perceptions Differ Across Countries and Groups

Our recent polling for the BBC World Service showed a very mixed picture of the state of freedoms today, especially in established democracies following Edward Snowden’s allegations of widespread surveillance by the US Government. In order to better understand how different nationalities and groups rate their freedom, GlobeScan’s Advanced Analytics Team applied some statistical techniques to reveal deeper insights into how perceptions differ across the 17 countries included in our latest poll of 17,000 people. The first analysis we performed … “A Deeper Look at Freedom: How Perceptions Differ Across Countries and Groups”

Democracy by the Numbers: How Personal Freedoms are Perceived in the Digital Age

A number of recent media reports, including in The Economist and Financial Times, have raised the subject of the declining state of our democracy. Some have likened recent actions by so-called “established democracies” as resembling those of autocratic states – such as the recent banning of social media in Turkey and the US government’s blanket on-line surveillance of citizens worldwide. How have all these news reports affected people’s sense of freedom and democracy in this post-Snowden age? Is there a … “Democracy by the Numbers: How Personal Freedoms are Perceived in the Digital Age”

Departure of Ukraine’s Yanukovych Holds Lessons for Putin

After months of street protests that had culminated in violence, the Ukrainian parliament voted to impeach President Viktor Yanukovych on February 22nd. Yanukovych had previously sacrificed closer ties with Europe in favour of a pro-Moscow stance and his removal from power provoked a strong military, diplomatic and economic backlash from Russia, as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s project of a ‘Eurasian Union’ of former Soviet states to rival the EU was dealt a potentially terminal blow. But Russian unease is also … “Departure of Ukraine’s Yanukovych Holds Lessons for Putin”

How Much Do Stakeholders Trust Corporate Sustainability Ratings?

This article was originally published on GreenBiz.com, as part of our Proof Points blog series. 21 February 2014 – Who do you trust to interpret data for your business decisions? If you’re a CEO, it may be the members of your executive team; if you’re a mainstream investor, you may look to Bloomberg or the Dow Jones Index to decipher the data on Wall Street. But what if you’re a sustainability professional? With companies producing increasingly transparent sustainability reports, each with extensive … “How Much Do Stakeholders Trust Corporate Sustainability Ratings?”

Redefining Sustainability in Asia: Extending Corporate Leadership

Originally published for K Magazine, GlobeScan CEO, Christophe Guibeleguiet, takes a look at how Asian consumer attitudes to business in society are changing and the need for companies to balance opportunity with responsibility. Divided into a 3-part blog series, future posts will look at health and safety issues, and the rise of ‘Aspirational’ consumers. One of the defining features of the early 21st Century has been the apparently inexorable rise of China, and with it, a shift in the balance … “Redefining Sustainability in Asia: Extending Corporate Leadership”

Davos 2014: Can Rising Public Trust Help Leaders Reshape a Changing World?

Two themes formed the backdrop to the World Economic Forum’s 2014 gathering in Davos, Switzerland that ended this week: the return of the global economy to a semblance of stability and the continuing shift of power from West to East. This mixture of economic flux and stability feeds through into our research, with peoples’ views in the institutions that affect their lives, the environment and how they think of certain countries all affected. One of the messages to emerge from … “Davos 2014: Can Rising Public Trust Help Leaders Reshape a Changing World?”