Public opinion poll on social and environmental corporate performance Amsterdam/Toronto, 14 October 2020 – Research across 27 markets has found that trust in how companies communicate their sustainability performance has increased to a record 51% this year, with significant variations by country. The survey from GlobeScan and GRI asked 1,000 people in each location to indicate whether they agree that companies are honest and truthful about their social and environmental performance. The level of trust is the highest since the … “Rising Trust in Sustainability Reporting Around the World”
On 29 September, GlobeScan hosted a webinar to help better understand the evolving social contract between business & society as we navigate challenging and disruptive times. GlobeScan shared some of its latest Radar trends from its new 27-country public opinion study on views of business, government and NGOs, issues tracking, and shifting societal expectations. The following panel of diverse senior corporate leaders discussed the implications for companies: Francesca DeBiase, Chief Supply Chain and Sustainability Officer, McDonald’s Mzilla Mthenjane, Executive Head, … “Webinar | Business & Society: Latest Societal Trends and Corporate Leadership”
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and with a spotlight on inequality, expectations for companies are shifting. The current circumstances make for an important test of corporate purpose. In summer of 2020, GlobeScan partnered with the Test of Corporate Purpose (TCP) initiative, a project to assess how purpose-driven companies respond in a time of severe global crises and test if they truly “walk the talk” in delivering value for all stakeholders. This research also explored institutional priorities and performance … “Report: Stakeholders Rate Corporate Purpose in Time of Crisis”
Trust in government, business, media, and science has increased as people look for leadership As people look for guidance and hope for solutions during the pandemic and the resulting economic recession, GlobeScan’s Radar survey of 27,000 people across 27 countries shows that trust in institutions such as national government, global business, and press and media has increased compared to 2019. Trust in scientists has also continued to increase, while trust in the medical profession (asked for the first time in … “Trust in Institutions: A GlobeScan Insight Report”
As part of a new Global Corporate Affairs partnership, Oxford University and GlobeScan are working together to help senior executives and corporate affairs leaders around the world to develop the contribution and improve the impact of the corporate affairs function. In our inaugural Oxford-GlobeScan Global Corporate Affairs Survey 2020, we captured the views of Corporate Affairs Professionals on issues and themes of relevance to the function. Key research findings are summarized below. Most Pressing Global Risks to Business The most pressing … “Report: Delivering Enhanced Insights to Help Corporate Affairs Professionals Improve the Impact of the Corporate Affairs Function”
Global business leaders have been focused on responding to one of the most sweeping set of crises in recent memory. Many leadership lessons will come out of COVID-19. These lessons will form the basis of significant organizational change and inform corporate planning for generations to come. For the time being, many questions remain for sustainability and public affairs / communications executives alike who are seeking to navigate a rapidly changing world: How are expectations toward the role of business shifting … “Global Insights to Help Navigate a Changing World”
In June 2018, we stood on the main stage at Sustainable Brands 2018 in Vancouver to give the first presentation of our book All In: The Future of Business Leadership, which had launched that same morning. We like to think we gave an enthusiastic summary of the book that we had been working on for the previous 15 months (you can decide for yourself here). While writing took 15 months, it was a book 20 years in the making, as … “All In: Two Years On”
Radar is a global public opinion research program of evidence and insights that is a vital part of GlobeScan’s contribution to helping influential organizations understand material issues, societal trends and the expectations people have of them. In uncertain times, leadership organizations need to build trust with their stakeholders and society and better engage with their external context. Since 1997, GlobeScan Radar has explored questions such as how concerns about several economic, environmental and social issues are changing, how people’s preferences … “The Latest Trends That Will Shape 2020 and Beyond | Report”
Since 2012, Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO of BlackRock – the world’s largest asset management company, overseeing $7 trillion worth of investments – has sent out an annual letter to CEOs of the companies that BlackRock invests in on behalf of its clients. As we start a new decade, Fink’s 2020 letter takes a strong tone from the outset, with the title “A Fundamental Reshaping of Finance.” The letter appears to be smashing the records of its previous counterparts in … “From Governance to Purpose to the Fundamental Reshaping of Finance: Analysis of Larry Fink’s Annual Letter to CEOs”
As we come to the end of the year, we close out 2019 with a review of our ten most widely read posts of the year. The GlobeScan community gravitated toward our contributions on the Sustainable Development Goals, corporate purpose, transparency, wildlife conservation, sustainable lifestyles, and leadership. We enter the next decade with an energized sense of living our purpose of building trusted leadership to create a better future. We look forward to working together in 2020 to help build … “Best of 2019 Highlights”