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Insight of the Week: Public Support for a Carbon Tax Is Growing Globally

A majority of the global public – six in ten – favor a carbon tax on energy sources that contribute most to climate change such as coal, oil, and gas, an increase of 10 points from 2015. Support for taxation that reduces carbon emissions is the highest recorded in nearly 15 years. One in three oppose a carbon tax, especially those with lower levels of income. This suggests there may be enough public support for government policies that put a price … “Insight of the Week: Public Support for a Carbon Tax Is Growing Globally”

New Global Poll Shows Growing Public Support for a Carbon Tax

With the COP26 climate summit under way in Glasgow this week, a new global poll conducted for the BBC World Service shows increased public support for a carbon tax on the types of energy that most cause climate change, such as coal and oil/petrol, to encourage individuals and businesses to use less of these. The poll of 31 countries and territories was conducted by GlobeScan in June and July 2021. In total, more than 30,000 people were surveyed about their … “New Global Poll Shows Growing Public Support for a Carbon Tax”

Insight of the Week: Experts Most Want to See Agreement on Integrating Nature-based Solutions at COP26

During COP26 in Glasgow this month, sustainability experts most want to see an agreement for integrating nature-based solutions into the Paris strategy, followed by countries’ five-year emission reduction pledges and carbon market mechanisms.  Experts’ preferred outcomes favor action in the near future over a long-term approach, highlighting the urgency of action needed to stem and reverse the climate crisis. Data source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey of over 500 experts representing business, government, NGOs, and academia across 71 countries​

IKEA Climate Action Research 2021: Enabling People to Live a More Sustainable Life at Home

IKEA is taking action to become climate positive by 2030, reducing more greenhouse gas emissions than the IKEA value chain emits, while growing the business. According to new climate action research conducted by GlobeScan for Ingka Group, the main IKEA retailer, 7 out of 10 people are worried about climate change, and 9 out of 10 people are willing to take individual action. The research was conducted across 32 countries in 2021, asking over 34,000 people about how they think, … “IKEA Climate Action Research 2021: Enabling People to Live a More Sustainable Life at Home”

Webinar | The 2021 Climate Survey: Evaluating Progress

On November 2, we hosted a webinar to explore results of the GlobeScan / SustainAbility Institute by ERM 2021 Climate Survey, which captures the perceptions of hundreds of sustainability experts globally on climate progress and climate leadership, revealing how perceptions are changing and where progress is – or is not – perceived to be occurring. While this year’s survey finds most experts remain critical about climate progress, there are signs of hope that COP26 will shift the present trajectory. Experts … “Webinar | The 2021 Climate Survey: Evaluating Progress”

Insight of the Week: People Want Governments to Lead at COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow Even More So Than They Did for COP21 in Paris

Across 18 countries, more than nine in ten people want their governments to support at least some action on climate change at the upcoming COP26 Climate Summit. Nearly six in ten want their governments to take a leadership role to address climate change as quickly as possible. Support for leadership has grown substantially in 13 out of 18 countries tracked, including the three largest emitting countries China, India, and the USA. This change in majority opinion is a strong call … “Insight of the Week: People Want Governments to Lead at COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow Even More So Than They Did for COP21 in Paris”

New Global Poll ahead of COP26 in Glasgow Shows Growing Support for Governments to Take Strong Action on Climate Change

As national governments and others prepare to come together in Glasgow, Scotland, for the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference (COP26), a new global poll conducted for the BBC World Service shows that support for national governments leading on ambitious climate targets at next month’s summit has increased substantially from levels measured prior to the 2015 Paris Summit. The poll of 31 countries and territories was conducted by GlobeScan in June and July 2021. In total, more than 30,000 people … “New Global Poll ahead of COP26 in Glasgow Shows Growing Support for Governments to Take Strong Action on Climate Change”

Report: Consumer Demand for Ivory Remains in Decline, WWF’s Fifth Annual Survey in China Finds

The longest-running annual research of elephant ivory consumers in China — the major market for ivory before the country banned the trade at the end of 2017 — finds that consumer demand for ivory remains on a downward trajectory. WWF, in cooperation with research organization GlobeScan, has conducted the largest ivory consumer survey – 2,000 people in 15 cities – for five consecutive years. This annual survey is the largest assessment of changes in attitudes to ivory consumption, purchasing rates … “Report: Consumer Demand for Ivory Remains in Decline, WWF’s Fifth Annual Survey in China Finds”

Study Finds That Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest Is a Serious Concern Worldwide

GlobeScan’s latest public opinion research shows that more than half of people across the world agree that deforestation of the Amazon rainforest is a very serious problem. People are more concerned about this than other world problems such as access to healthcare and unemployment. The survey of over 30,000 people in 31 countries, including Brazil, was conducted in June and July of 2021. Approximately 1,000 people in each country took part in the global study that asked them about their … “Study Finds That Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest Is a Serious Concern Worldwide”

Report: Despite Record Levels of Environmental Concern Across the World, Large Gap Remains between Aspiration and Action When it Comes to Sustainable Living

Findings from the latest Healthy & Sustainable Living Global Consumer Insights study shows that the public cares more than ever about a range of environmental issues – water pollution, natural resource depletion, climate change, air pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Individuals around the world also feel personally affected by climate change. In addition, people express a strong desire to make changes to the way they live, especially those under age 30, yet there remains a large aspiration-action gap when it … “Report: Despite Record Levels of Environmental Concern Across the World, Large Gap Remains between Aspiration and Action When it Comes to Sustainable Living”

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Insight of the Week: Experts Say More Public Engagement Is Needed to Effectively Implement Paris Agreement Climate Goals

While the public and private sector are both crucially important for climate progress, sustainability experts say that we need more public understanding and engagement to ensure effective implementation of the Paris Agreement climate goals. When asked to spontaneously name barriers to effective implementation, one in five sustainability experts mention this lack of public engagement. This suggests the need to focus more on large-scale public education efforts on climate change and engagement to increase public pressure to respond to humanity’s “Code … “Insight of the Week: Experts Say More Public Engagement Is Needed to Effectively Implement Paris Agreement Climate Goals”

2021 Global Consumer Research Reveals Escalating Concerns about Climate Change and Threats to Forest Biodiversity

Among consumers, environmental concerns are becoming more important than ever and sustainability now rivals conventional factors such as price and brand as influencers of consumer shopping choices. Consumers want to make sustainability-focused purchasing decisions and trusted third party certification labels play an increasingly important role, new research reveals. According to research conducted by GlobeScan for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) with 12,000 participants across 15 countries[1], consumers list climate change as their second most important global worry. When compared against … “2021 Global Consumer Research Reveals Escalating Concerns about Climate Change and Threats to Forest Biodiversity”

Webinar | 2021 China Ivory Consumption and Demand Reduction Research

WWF has released its fifth annual report with GlobeScan on China’s ivory consumption. This research was conducted for the first time in Sep-Oct 2017, before the implementation of China’s ivory trade ban on December 31st of that year. The study, which is the largest-ever consumer research in China on this topic, has been repeated every year after the ban to evaluate changes in consumers’ awareness, attitudes and behaviour, specifically past purchase incidence, future intention to buy, consumer profiles and segments, … “Webinar | 2021 China Ivory Consumption and Demand Reduction Research”

Report: Survey Finds Sustainability Experts Remain Pessimistic About Our Ability to Avert Major Damage from Climate Change

Public Understanding and Engagement is Essential to Generating a Response to Humanity’s Code Red Findings from a new report ‘Responding to Humanity’s Code Red‘ by GlobeScan and the SustainAbility Institute by ERM show that sustainability experts remain pessimistic about our ability to avert major damage from climate change and about the prospect of meeting the Paris Agreement goals.   While the public and private sector are both crucially important to progress, expert survey respondents say we need more public understanding and engagement to ensure effective … “Report: Survey Finds Sustainability Experts Remain Pessimistic About Our Ability to Avert Major Damage from Climate Change”

Webinar | EAT-GlobeScan Consumer Research on a Sustainable Food System

GlobeScan and EAT (the science-based non-profit for global food system transformation) hosted a webinar to explore findings from Grains of Truth, their global consumer study of over 30,000 consumers in 31 markets around the world about a sustainable food system. This dynamic discussion explored how the world sees a more sustainable food system and the implications for business, civil society and governments. The webinar included a range of global thought leaders, including: Agnes Martin, Health & Diet Advocacy Director, Danone … “Webinar | EAT-GlobeScan Consumer Research on a Sustainable Food System”

Insight of the Week: People Want Large Companies to Encourage Governments to Address Climate Change

People around the world agree that large companies have a responsibility to encourage governments to do more on climate change, especially in non-OECD countries. This sentiment is stronger than ever in 2021 and has increased dramatically among people in key emitting countries – China, India, and USA – as well as in France and Germany. People today are more aware of climate change impacts happening around them, and with that comes greater expectation for action from their governments and the … “Insight of the Week: People Want Large Companies to Encourage Governments to Address Climate Change”

Globescan Announces Recertification as a B Corp™

We are proud to announce that GlobeScan has been recertified as a B Corp achieving an overall impact score of 101.2 – a 20.8-point increase on our original certification score of 80.4 in 2017. B Corps are businesses that use profits and growth for a greater good and have a positive impact in the lives of their employees and communities, and on the environment. Businesses are externally assessed across a range of criteria and must meet a certain overall score … “Globescan Announces Recertification as a B Corp™”

Insight of the Week: High Consumer Concern about Issues in the Food System

When asked about issues in the food system, most consumers express concern about all issues tested. People are particularly worried about chemicals in agriculture and waste from single-use plastic packaging. Issues that relate to food production and transport are comparatively lower sources of concern. This shows that a significant majority of consumers around the world are thinking about these global food system issues. As awareness grows, so will the expectation that players in the food system take action to address … “Insight of the Week: High Consumer Concern about Issues in the Food System”

Insight of the Week: Consumers Rate Governments and Food & Beverage Companies as Key to a Sustainable Food System

Around the world, nearly half of consumers say that national governments have the greatest influence to build a more healthy and sustainable food system. More than one-third of consumers believe that food & beverage companies are best placed to achieve positive change, but just one in five feel that “people like me” can play a role in building a more healthy and sustainable food system. This suggests that consumers are feeling unempowered and are looking to governments and companies to help them … “Insight of the Week: Consumers Rate Governments and Food & Beverage Companies as Key to a Sustainable Food System”

Webinar | Healthy & Sustainable Living in Mexico

GlobeScan’s latest global opinion research, in collaboration with Akatu Institute, NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, CVS Health, IKEA, Levi Strauss & Co., PepsiCo, Reckitt, Visa, and WWF International, and locally in Mexico with Global Compact Mexico, Nestlé, and C&A, shows that many people are keen on healthy and sustainable living, but few are able to execute. People say they need business and government to help, not least by providing products and services that make healthy and sustainable living easy … “Webinar | Healthy & Sustainable Living in Mexico”

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GlobeScan is a certified B Corporation, which means we meet the highest standards of overall social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability and aspire to use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.

Insight of the Week: Concern about Climate Change Is High across the World

People in all 31 countries and territories surveyed express high levels of concern about the changing climate, with overwhelming majorities everywhere seeing climate change as at least “somewhat serious.” Latin Americans and people in Southern Europe tend to be the most concerned about climate change. Perceived seriousness is lowest in Australia, Russia, and the USA, yet even in these countries, eight in ten people view climate change as a serious issue. These findings demonstrate a backdrop of public support for … “Insight of the Week: Concern about Climate Change Is High across the World”

Report: Affordability and Availability are the Biggest Challenges to Healthy and Sustainable Diets

Grains of Truth: New EAT-GlobeScan Global Consumer Research on Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems 23rd September 2021: Just half of people worldwide (53%) find buying healthy and sustainable food easy according to a new global consumer research survey conducted by GlobeScan, an insights and strategy consultancy, and EAT, the science-based non-profit for global food system transformation. However, the biggest obstacles for those who find it difficult to buy healthy and sustainable food is affordability (48%) and availability (36%), with a … “Report: Affordability and Availability are the Biggest Challenges to Healthy and Sustainable Diets”

Insight of the Week: Concern About Human Rights Varies Across the World

People in Nigeria, Colombia, Turkey, Portugal, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia express the most concern about human rights abuses. Perceived seriousness is lowest in Asian countries, including China and South Korea. Women and younger people tend to be more strongly concerned about human rights abuses, with Gen Z respondents being the most worried. This suggests that the issue will become increasingly relevant over time, with younger people expecting more attention paid to human rights along with accountability from governments and … “Insight of the Week: Concern About Human Rights Varies Across the World”

Insight of the Week: Sustainability Experts Have Become Increasingly Concerned About Biodiversity Loss Over Past Decade

Sustainability experts’ concern about biodiversity loss has increased substantially over the past decade, with more experts than ever now saying that this is an urgent issue.​ This sentiment is shared across all stakeholder audiences and geographies, especially among experts in the NGO sector and in North America. Biodiversity loss is the second-highest concern for sustainability experts after climate change and suggests a growing expectation for more action on the nature agenda by governments, companies and NGOs. Data source: GlobeScan / … “Insight of the Week: Sustainability Experts Have Become Increasingly Concerned About Biodiversity Loss Over Past Decade”