As we enter the final weeks of the year, we take a look at our forecast trends from this time last year. How have our seven predictions for 2014 panned out? 1. Inequality and vulnerability. We forecast increased global concern about inequality, which has been borne out in our Radar study of citizens around the world, as well as post-Davos conversations and the huge debate around Thomas Piketty’s book, Capital in the 21st Century. And Oxfam’s analysis shows the richest … “A Look Back at 2014 Predictions: GlobeScan’s Year in Review”
Today, companies find themselves navigating an increasingly challenging world that has been described as volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. In this challenging context, it is becoming critical for organizations to correctly understand the sentiments of the public – sentiments that can be both ambiguous and easily misread. Our GlobeScan Radar program of evidence and counsel draws upon our database of over fifteen years of tracking of global (20-30 countries) citizen perceptions around business and its role in society. GlobeScan Radar … “GlobeScan Radar Infographic: What Are Key Issues People Worry About?”
In uncertain and volatile times, global organizations need greater insight on how to better manage risks and capitalize on opportunities, build trust with their stakeholders and society, and exert a greater influence in shaping their external context. Faced with these challenges, what can those charged with managing companies and their reputation do to stay ahead of the game? To help equip corporate leaders to take on these challenges, we are publishing 14 sector intelligence reports (covering Automotive, Banking, Beer, Chemical, Clothing, Electricity, Food, IT/Tech, Media and Entertainment, Mining, Oil and Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Supermarkets, and … “Understanding Views on Business – GlobeScan Radar Infographic and Sector Intelligence Reports”
GlobeScan Radar is a program of evidence and counsel that draws upon GlobeScan’s unique database of nearly twenty years of tracking of global (20-30 country) citizen and stakeholder perceptions around business and its role in society.
A report on supermarket sector intelligence, drawn from GlobeScan Radar’s 2013 study of global public attitudes towards business in society.
A report on telecommunications sector intelligence, drawn from GlobeScan Radar’s 2013 study of global public attitudes towards business in society.
A report on Mining sector intelligence, drawn from GlobeScan Radar’s 2013 study of global public attitudes towards business in society.
A report on Pharmaceutical sector intelligence, drawn from GlobeScan Radar’s 2013 study of global public attitudes towards business in society.
A report on IT sector intelligence, drawn from GlobeScan Radar’s 2013 study of global public attitudes towards business in society.
A report on Oil and Petroleum sector intelligence, drawn from GlobeScan Radar’s 2013 study of global public attitudes towards business in society.