Helping companies to take stock of their sustainability/ESG strategies and goals in 2024.
Exploring consumers’ attitudes in Asia-Pacific on healthy and sustainable lifestyles using recent findings.
A GlobeScan / IKEA webinar to explore how organisations can encourage people to take action on a range of people and planet topics.
A GlobeScan webinar to explore what companies can do to support more sustainable lifestyles in Mexico.
Globally, knowledge of all ethical and responsible product labels increased from 76% to 82% between 2021 and 2023. In Canada, overall awareness of the Fairtrade Mark is up 15 percentage points from 2021, from 42% to 57%, with trust increasing to 85%. This demonstrates that consumer awareness of ethical labels is continuing to rise as consumers increasingly look to brands and retailers to provide ethically sourced products. Add to this that nearly six in ten Canadians are willing to pay … “Webinar | Helping Canadian Consumers Make More Sustainable Choices During Tough Economic Times”
About the 2023 Sustainability Leaders Survey Findings from the 2023 Sustainability Leaders Survey, by GlobeScan and The SustainAbility Institute by ERM, finds that sustainability leadership is increasingly measured by the integration of sustainability into business strategy. This year’s findings draw from more than 500 sustainability experts who once again came together from over 60 countries. At the mid-point of 2023, the global economy is still feeling the ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine continues changing geopolitical … “2023 Sustainability Leaders | Report & Webinar”
Corporate advocacy for sustainability is becoming an important dimension of being a sustainable company. This coincides with rising public expectations for companies to advocate for people and planet. Leading companies and global non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are increasingly working together on joint advocacy initiatives in the pursuit of achieving shared sustainability goals. On 22nd June 2023, GlobeScan and WWF hosted a webinar to explore how we can harness the power of joint advocacy to deliver positive impact. We shared insights on … “Webinar | The Future of Joint Corporate Advocacy for Sustainability”
It’s been well documented that most people these days have high awareness of and concerns about sustainability issues. Yet far fewer are actually reflecting those values in their purchasing behaviour. How can we bridge this so-called ‘aspiration-action gap’, especially in the current global financial situation? On 6 June 2023, GlobeScan and Fairtrade International hosted a webinar to explore consumers’ aspiration-action gap, the role of certifications in bridging this, and consumer expectations on which types of organisations are responsible for protecting … “Webinar | Helping Consumers Make More Sustainable Choices During Tough Economic Times”
Businesses are under more pressure to shift faster on sustainability – from radical activism to ESG demands and public greenwashing accusations. Meanwhile NGOs, though publicly trusted, are under more pressure to demonstrate impact and engage effectively with governments whilst, too, navigating increasingly polarised environments. At this moment of change, a new form of Business–NGO relationship is emerging – less confrontational and increasingly effective for accelerating positive impact. On April 19, GlobeScan and SIGWATCH hosted a webinar to explore these shifts. … “Webinar | The Future of Business-NGO Collaboration”
Ahead of the upcoming UN Water Conference in New York City on March 22‒24, GlobeScan, Circle of Blue, and WWF hosted a webinar to share their latest trends, insights, and analysis to help better understand future dynamics and the implications for business and government around the global water agenda. Following an overview of contextual consumer and stakeholder insights on water by Perrine Bouhana, Director, GlobeScan, the webinar featured a panel discussion and Q&A with the following senior water agenda leaders, … “Webinar | The Future of Water: Insights to Help You Stay Ahead of What’s Next”