Study finds largest consumer segment globally seeks style, status and sustainability NEW YORK CITY – 03 October 2013 – A new study by GlobeScan, SustainAbility, and BBMG confirms the rise of nearly 2.5 billion consumers globally who are uniting style, social status and sustainability values to redefine consumption. According to the report, The 2013 Aspirational Consumer Index, more than one-third of consumers globally (36.4%) identify as Aspirationals, defined by their love of shopping (78%), desire for responsible consumption (92%) and … “2.5 Billion Aspirational Consumers Mark Shift in Sustainable Consumption”
With frustration at the lack of progress on sustainability being expressed from many quarters, who should we be expecting to drive change? Experts in sustainability tend to believe the impetus has to come from consumers: when asked about sustainability supply and demand dynamics earlier this year, only around one in four (23%) thought that society required a greater supply of regulations and options for consumers from companies and governments, while 41 percent thought that more consumer demand is required. Experts … “Governments, Businesses, and Consumers Look to Each Other to Drive Increased Sustainability”
Traditional company communications are least trusted sources of information on sustainability NEW YORK CITY – 21 May 2013 – Trust is no longer in your hands. According to a study by GlobeScan, SustainAbility, and BBMG, social sources of trust like consumer reviews, blogs and message boards (28%) as well as friends, family and co-workers (27%) now rival traditional sources like certifications (40%) and media reports (31%) as consumers’ most trusted sources for determining whether a product is socially and environmentally responsible. Barely one … “Global Study Finds Peers, Consumer Reviews Now Rival Certifications As Top Sources of Trust on Product Sustainability Claims”
NEW YORK CITY – 25 April 2013 – A study by The Regeneration Roadmap – a joint project by GlobeScan, SustainAbility, and BBMG – finds that nearly 9 in 10 consumers globally (86%) say “ingredient transparency is extremely important or very important” for companies to address as part of their products, services, or operations, including 88% of consumers in emerging markets and 84% of consumers in developed markets. However, only 57% regularly “check the list of ingredients before purchasing” products, highlighting the gap between interest and action … “Consumers Rank Ingredient Transparency Among Most Important Issues For Brands”
This article by Eric Whan originally appeared on, as part of our Proof Points blog series. 7 March 2013 – What have the turbulent past few years done for consumers’ behaviors around the environment? With political leadership on the issue notable only by its absence, the issue of whether consumers will ever embrace the sort of behavioral change most experts say is needed to avoid future environmental disaster is becoming ever more pressing. Leadership companies will be those that get into … “How Can Businesses Nudge ‘Stuck’ Consumers to be Greener?”
Click to read the full study On Thursday, February 7, 2013, BBMG, GlobeScan and SustainAbility hosted a special webinar featuring highlights from a new global Regeneration Roadmap study on how consumers are balancing environmentalism and materialism to shape the future of sustainability. A full recording of the webinar is available here Can we shop our way to sustainability? What actually motivates behavior change? What is the role of consumers in shaping a more sustainable economy? Based on the views of 6,224 consumers across … “Webinar on Consumers and the Future of Sustainability”
GlobeScan’s four practice leaders sat down to identify key trends to watch out for in 2013 in the areas of reputation, brand, sustainability and engagement. See the top three trends each have identified across GlobeScan’s core areas of expertise. Corporate reputation management, while constantly evolving, is set to undergo even greater changes in the next few years. The following trends are likely to drive this accelerated evolution. Femke de Man Director, Reputation Practice Lead Read Bio | Email Femke … “2013 GlobeScan Practice Area Trends”
NEW YORK CITY – 30 January 2013 – Is there such a thing as sustainable consumption? A new study by The Regeneration Roadmap – a joint project by GlobeScan, SustainAbility, and BBMG – finds that a majority of consumers across six international markets are seeking to reconcile their desire for shopping and style with responsibility to the environment and society through their purchases. According to the report, Rethinking Consumption: Consumers and the Future of Sustainability, nearly two-thirds of consumers globally equate shopping … “Aspirational Consumers Unite Style, Sustainability to Shape Market Trends”
The Regeneration Consumer Study is an in-depth online survey of consumer attitudes, motivations and behaviors relating to sustainable consumption, put together by GlobeScan, SustainAbility, and BBMG
27 November 2012 – On the eve of the holiday shopping season, a new study by The Regeneration Roadmap – a joint project by GlobeScan, SustainAbility, and BBMG – finds that consumers are rethinking consumption with sustainability in mind. According to The Regeneration Consumer Study, two-thirds of consumers in six countries say that “as a society, we need to consume a lot less to improve the environment for future generations” (66%), and that they feel “a sense of responsibility to purchase products that are good for the environment … “New Study Finds Consumers Buying Less and Buying Better”