Webinar | How to Build a Radically Better Future

Next gen insights, strategies and real world brand examples from BBMG, GlobeScan, Dave’s Killer Bread, and General Mills Our latest study finds people under age 30 are ready for a radical renewal of our economy and eager for bold brand leadership on issues from climate action to social justice. So how do we meet their needs? And what does leadership look like? On 9 February 2021 we hosted a webinar exploring headlines from BBMG and GlobeScan’s global public opinion study, perspectives … “Webinar | How to Build a Radically Better Future”

Why Younger Generations are More Willing to Change in the Name of Sustainability

It is a common assumption that younger generations — Gen Z and millennials — are more greatly concerned with global challenges. Born in the digital age, these generations are seen to be more health-conscious, socially aware and environmentally responsible. This narrative is consistently reiterated by the media who frequently highlight the willingness of these younger generations to stand up for what they care about. In our Radically Better Future: The Next Gen Reckoning Report with BBMG, 73 percent of young … “Why Younger Generations are More Willing to Change in the Name of Sustainability”

Complementary Studies Provide Glimpses into Consumers’ Minds During Most Difficult Year in Modern History

Amidst the uncertainty of the world during a global pandemic, two key pieces of 2020 research offered hope and optimism about what purpose-driven brands can achieve in 2021 — buoyed by new attitudes, opinions, and desires from consumers. In a year like no other in recent memory , 2020 inspired and informed countless consumer research studies — the findings are largely shaped by what was top-of-mind for individuals during the COVID-19 crisis. Did sustainability concerns make the list? Explore this new interview, … “Complementary Studies Provide Glimpses into Consumers’ Minds During Most Difficult Year in Modern History”

Insight of the Week: Have Been Inspired by Online Influencer or Celebrity to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle

Have Been Inspired by Online Influencer or Celebrity to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle ​ By Generation, Average of 27 Markets, 2020​ Younger people look to influencers for inspiration to be environmentally friendly​. Those belonging to younger generations are much more likely than older generations to say that they are frequently inspired by online influencers or celebrities promoting more sustainable lifestyles. On average across 27 markets surveyed in GlobeScan’s Healthy & Sustainable Living study, almost three-quarters (72%) of Gen Z respondents … “Insight of the Week: Have Been Inspired by Online Influencer or Celebrity to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle”

Insight of the Week: Consumer Purchasing Behaviors: EU vs USA

Consumer Purchasing Behaviors: EU* vs USA “Extremely” and “Very Interested,” 2020​ European and American consumers differ in their interest in sustainable shopping behavior​. Europeans are more interested than Americans in some key sustainable consumption behaviors, including being keener on prioritizing durability, recycled materials, responsible brands, and third-party certification. Differences are largest in terms of third-party certifications, with fewer than half of US consumers expressing interest compared to nearly six in ten European consumers. Notes: * Includes: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, … “Insight of the Week: Consumer Purchasing Behaviors: EU vs USA”

Radically Better Future: The Next Gen Reckoning | Report

New global study finds the next generation of citizens is looking for transformative brand leadership, co-created solutions, and radical change for the future they want December 4, 2020 – A health pandemic. Economic crisis. Racial justice uprising. Existential environmental threats. Like never before, a new generation is facing the confluence of profound global crises and calling for transformative brand leadership, co-created solutions, and radical change to meet an era of shifting paradigms, not just shifting preferences. According to a new … “Radically Better Future: The Next Gen Reckoning | Report”

Is Black Friday Dying? Consumers Say They Want to Spend Less This Holiday Season

New GlobeScan research found that 77% of consumers are interested in choosing products that last longer, and 53% said they were interested in buying fewer things, in general. But there remains a gap between intention and action. “… the propensity to buy less stuff — or at least thinking more carefully before making purchases — could be here to stay. That is certainly what GlobeScan’s 2020 Healthy & Sustainable Living Study suggests. Carried out in June 2020, the survey looked … “Is Black Friday Dying? Consumers Say They Want to Spend Less This Holiday Season”

Webinar | Going Mainstream: Alternative Meat and Plant Based Drinks

On 23 November 2020 we hosted a webinar to discuss the growing popularity of plant-based products and the fast growing marketing introductions of plant-based meat and beverages. We drew from our global and Asia Pacific research conducted during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic showing that consumers around the world are willing to change their behavior to become healthier and more sustainable. The webinar explored GlobeScan’s Healthy & Sustainable Living study, which was designed and launched with a range of partners … “Webinar | Going Mainstream: Alternative Meat and Plant Based Drinks”

Webinars | Healthy & Sustainable Living in a Global Pandemic

The 2020 Healthy & Sustainable Living study was designed and launched with a range of partners including CVS Health, IKEA, PepsiCo, Visa, and WWF International to help organizations better understand the mindsets of global consumers and what enables them or prevents them from living in a healthier and more sustainable way. The 27-market study was conducted in June 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In total, 27,000 people took part in the global study that asked them about attitudes, … “Webinars | Healthy & Sustainable Living in a Global Pandemic”

Study Finds People Want to Make Healthy and Sustainable Living Choices but Do Not Know Where to Start

October 7th, 2020: Just-released global public opinion research shows that people all around the world are willing to adopt more sustainable and healthy behaviours, but they do not know where to start. The 27-market study was conducted in June 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In total, 27,000 people took part in the global study that asked them about attitudes, opinions, and behaviors linked to more sustainable and healthier lifestyles. The 2020 study was designed with a range … “Study Finds People Want to Make Healthy and Sustainable Living Choices but Do Not Know Where to Start”