Enough of the Doom and Gloom: Amidst Declining Environmental Concern, Real Leadership is Needed to Re-Engage the Public

How did we lose the room? This is the question facing the sustainability community as GlobeScan’s latest Radar data shows a decline in how serious the global public considers environmental issues to be. With ample scientific evidence to the contrary (see the latest IPCC report), how do we explain the decreasing public concern in environmental issues? And, on World Environment Day 2014, what does this mean for organisations trying to make headway on sustainability? GlobeScan’s recent Radar public opinion survey asked … “Enough of the Doom and Gloom: Amidst Declining Environmental Concern, Real Leadership is Needed to Re-Engage the Public”

Unilever Maintains Sustainability Leadership Amid Change

In sustainability circles, the results of GlobeScan’s and SustainAbility’s just-released 2014 Sustainability Leaders Survey are not surprising. Unilever remains by far the most lauded company by our expert panel of respondents, with fully 33 percent singling it out from others. Taking a longer view, however, the report is notable in showing how thoroughly Unilever has captured the attention of sustainability professionals globally. It also documents how much has changed within the leadership landscape since GlobeScan and SustainAbility initiated this tracking program in 1997. Unilever … “Unilever Maintains Sustainability Leadership Amid Change”

Webinar Recap: Results of our 20th anniversary GSS Leaders Survey

On Wednesday, May 14th, along with our partners at SustainAbility, we hosted a webcast on our 20th anniversary survey: The 2014 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Sustainability Leaders Report. Presenters Chris Coulter, CEO of GlobeScan, and Chris Guenther, Research Director at SustainAbility had a lively conversation about which companies our 900+ experts believe are leading the sustainability agenda in 2014. For the fourth year in a row, and by the largest margin yet, Unilever is regarded as the number-one corporate sustainability leader, with 33 … “Webinar Recap: Results of our 20th anniversary GSS Leaders Survey”

Global Experts Rank Unilever Number One for Sustainability Leadership in New Survey

14 May 2014 A just-released survey of expert stakeholders from business, government, NGOs, and academia across 87 countries shows that Unilever, Patagonia, Interface and M&S are viewed as leaders in corporate sustainability. For the fourth year in a row, and by the largest margin yet, Unilever is regarded as the number-one corporate sustainability leader, with 33 percent of expert respondents identifying the company (up 8 points from 2013) as a “leader in integrating sustainability into its business strategy.” Nearly one … “Global Experts Rank Unilever Number One for Sustainability Leadership in New Survey”

Webinar: The Aspirationals: Shifting Sustainability from Obligation to Desire

Following the release of the 2014 Aspirational Consumer Index, BBMG and GlobeScan today announced they will co-host a free webinar to help companies understand the latest data points and what they mean for driving growth and positive social impact by engaging Aspirational consumers. The webinar will feature Chris Coulter, CEO of GlobeScan, and Raphael Bemporad, co-founder and chief strategy officer of BBMG. Jennifer Kho, U.S. editor for The Guardian Sustainable Business, will moderate. Discovered in 2013, Aspirationals are a powerful new … “Webinar: The Aspirationals: Shifting Sustainability from Obligation to Desire”

How Governments Fail to Lead on Sustainability

National governments must lead the transition to sustainable development, our experts say. Yet the latest GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey confirms what we all know: Governments are failing to deliver, resoundingly. What’s new about these latest findings is just how low the performance of national governments has fallen in the eyes of observers. Virtually none of our expert panel that was surveyed rates government performance as excellent, and just 3 percent give it a positive score of 4 out of 5. In the context of … “How Governments Fail to Lead on Sustainability”

Redefining Sustainability in Asia: Rise of ‘Aspirational’ Consumers

Originally published for K Magazine, GlobeScan CEO, Christophe Guibeleguiet, takes a look at how Asian consumer attitudes to business in society are changing and the need for companies to balance opportunity with responsibility. Divided into a 3-part blog series, our first post looked at trust, optimism, and extending corporate leadership in Asia, our second on health and safety issues, while this post will look at the rise of ‘Aspirational’ consumers. In the first part of this blog series, we looked at the growing trust … “Redefining Sustainability in Asia: Rise of ‘Aspirational’ Consumers”

Redefining Sustainability in Asia: Extending Corporate Leadership

Originally published for K Magazine, GlobeScan CEO, Christophe Guibeleguiet, takes a look at how Asian consumer attitudes to business in society are changing and the need for companies to balance opportunity with responsibility. Divided into a 3-part blog series, future posts will look at health and safety issues, and the rise of ‘Aspirational’ consumers. One of the defining features of the early 21st Century has been the apparently inexorable rise of China, and with it, a shift in the balance … “Redefining Sustainability in Asia: Extending Corporate Leadership”

Our 2014 Predictions for the Nexus of Reputation, Brand and Sustainability

Our 2014 predictions blog identifies seven key trends that we think will have particular impact across the sustainability, reputation, brand nexus. We share our forecasts for key consumer and stakeholder trends, examine the challenges that these represent to business, and anticipate how organizations are likely to respond. 1. Social inequality a rising concern.  Evidence from GlobeScan’s stakeholder and consumer surveys supports the notion that social and economic inequality will be key issues of global concern this year. We will continue … “Our 2014 Predictions for the Nexus of Reputation, Brand and Sustainability”

GlobeScan New Year’s Message

Dear Friends of GlobeScan, As we enter the 15th year of the 21st Century, the challenges facing global organizations in this volatile, uncertain and complex world are significant. Trust in business and government remains low, yet expectations for these institutions continue to grow, while the need to make greater progress in many economic, environmental and social issues has never been more acute. It is within this context that the success of many global companies, multilateral organizations and international NGOs will … “GlobeScan New Year’s Message”