As we enter the final weeks of the year, we take a look at our forecast trends from this time last year. How have our seven predictions for 2014 panned out? 1. Inequality and vulnerability. We forecast increased global concern about inequality, which has been borne out in our Radar study of citizens around the world, as well as post-Davos conversations and the huge debate around Thomas Piketty’s book, Capital in the 21st Century. And Oxfam’s analysis shows the richest … “A Look Back at 2014 Predictions: GlobeScan’s Year in Review”
GlobeScan’s co-CEO, Chris Coulter, will moderate a lively discussion with a number of GlobeScan colleagues who will present our most insightful findings from 2014 to help us prepare for 2015. Femke de Man, Caroline Holme, James Morris, and Eric Whan will draw on our greatest insights from our ongoing public and stakeholder trends, as well as our custom work to help us understand challenges and opportunities for leadership in 2015, including how to rebuild trust, how to engage and mobilize consumers and stakeholders and … “Upcoming GlobeScan Radar Webinar: State of the World – Progress and Purpose”
Three themes stood out for me in the midst of all the great presentations and discussions on the first day of the Sustainable Brands conference in London. First, we kept hearing about shifts in the relationship between brands and consumers and the opportunities that are opening up for marketers. James Goodman (Forum for the Future) reflected that brands need sustainability and that the relationship with consumers is moving from the linear to the circular. There’s also increasing complexity in channels of influence, … “Opportunities to Reimagine Brand Purpose: 3 Key Takeaways from Day One at Sustainable Brands London 2014”
Presentation slides used at the Sustainable Brands New Metrics conference launch of the 2014 National Geographic/GlobeScan Greendex Study.
Transparency is a key driver of corporate reputation, but it is also an area in which companies commonly underperform. There is increasing external and internal pressure on organizations to become more transparent, not only from customers and employees, but also from other stakeholders such as investors, media and regulators. Stakeholders need evidence that environmental and human rights risks are being systematically managed. But too much disclosure also can create risks. In this edition of Proof Points, we examine some barriers to transparency … “How to Remove Barriers to Corporate Transparency”
Ola Lindell is the Commercial Director for Inter IKEA Centre Group A/S. He is responsible for the IKEA shopping centre concept, the IKEA brand, digital channels, and the offer to the consumer. Until 2013, Ola was Senior Manager, Marketing at Inter IKEA Systems BV, the worldwide franchisor of the IKEA Concept, responsible for marketing, the IKEA brand, IKEA catalogue and digital channel. GlobeScan Chairman Doug Miller recently interviewed Ola to gain insight on the value IKEA puts on stakeholder intelligence to … “Recognizing Leaders: Ola Lindell, IKEA”
Our most recent wave of public opinion research across 23 countries shows that 45 percent of consumers are unable or unwilling to name a socially responsible company. The top socially responsible brands that consumers do name include a range of global and national brands representing a range of sectors, as shown in the table below. When asked how they learned that these specific companies are leaders, consumers point primarily to personal experience, the media and advertising. These channels are seen as particularly … “What Responsible Company? Almost Half of Consumers Can’t Name One”
The need for corporate leadership has never been more acute. We are grappling with large scale global challenges – think climate change, social cohesion and economic inequality – that require a new type of leadership from truly global entities. Governments appear unwilling or unable to lead. Civil society, while highly engaged, does not have the scale or infrastructure to deliver the required change. Despite low levels of societal trust, all roads lead to more committed and effective leadership by business … “The Strategic Importance of Recognized Leadership”
GlobeScan partnered with BT to hold the second Better Future Forum at the start of July. The online dialogue hosted 300 sustainability and technology experts, from 29 countries, and provided a hotbed of discussion and rich insights. Our objective was to bring people from across the world together to determine the state of current thinking around “big data” and how this relates to sustainability and consumer behaviour change, with a view to moving the debate forward and crowdsourcing ideas for … “BT Better Future Forum: Collaborating on the Role of Data for Social Good”
GlobeScan Radar is a program of evidence and counsel that draws upon GlobeScan’s unique database of nearly twenty years of tracking of global (20-30 country) citizen and stakeholder perceptions around business and its role in society.