Generation Fairtrade: Bridging the Trust Gap

As Fairtrade celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, what does the future look like in the hands of the generation who have grown up with Fairtrade? Following on from our first blog on young consumers’ demand for sustainable products and their views on the future for Fairtrade, we switch focus now to look at young people’s expectations of business. The infographic below highlights some of the findings from our recent study with UK teenagers (aged 13-20 years old) focused on the role of companies in … “Generation Fairtrade: Bridging the Trust Gap”

Upcoming GlobeScan Radar Webinar: State of the World – Progress and Purpose

GlobeScan’s co-CEO, Chris Coulter, will moderate a lively discussion with a number of GlobeScan colleagues who will present our most insightful findings from 2014 to help us prepare for 2015. Femke de Man, Caroline Holme, James Morris, and Eric Whan will draw on our greatest insights from our ongoing public and stakeholder trends, as well as our custom work to help us understand challenges and opportunities for leadership in 2015, including how to rebuild trust, how to engage and mobilize consumers and stakeholders and … “Upcoming GlobeScan Radar Webinar: State of the World – Progress and Purpose”

Generation Fairtrade: Looking to the Future

As Fairtrade celebrates its 20th anniversary this month, what does the future look like in the hands of the generation who have grown up with Fairtrade? What is Generation Fairtrade? Generation Fairtrade represents a future cohort of citizens and consumers that have never known a world without Fairtrade and the eco-label movement that Fairtrade sparked. They are used to seeing the Fairtrade mark on mainstream products from Cadbury Dairy Milk to Nestle Kit Kats, from Starbucks lattes to Sainsbury’s basic … “Generation Fairtrade: Looking to the Future”

‘Generation Fairtrade’: UK Teens Care About Ethics, Want Businesses To Act More Responsibly

LONDON, UK – 11 October 2014 – UK teenagers are not the apathetic, self-interested generation they’re often portrayed as – they care about global issues, want businesses to act more ethically, and are willing to take action to bring about change, according to a survey1 commissioned by the Fairtrade Foundation. Dubbed ‘Generation Fairtrade’ – because they have grown up with the FAIRTRADE Mark, which turns 20 this week – more than eight in 10 of the UK teens surveyed (82%) said … “‘Generation Fairtrade’: UK Teens Care About Ethics, Want Businesses To Act More Responsibly”

How to Remove Barriers to Corporate Transparency

Transparency is a key driver of corporate reputation, but it is also an area in which companies commonly underperform. There is increasing external and internal pressure on organizations to become more transparent, not only from customers and employees, but also from other stakeholders such as investors, media and regulators. Stakeholders need evidence that environmental and human rights risks are being systematically managed. But too much disclosure also can create risks. In this edition of Proof Points, we examine some barriers to transparency … “How to Remove Barriers to Corporate Transparency”

Understanding Views on Business – GlobeScan Radar Infographic and Sector Intelligence Reports

In uncertain and volatile times, global organizations need greater insight on how to better manage risks and capitalize on opportunities, build trust with their stakeholders and society, and exert a greater influence in shaping their external context. Faced with these challenges, what can those charged with managing companies and their reputation do to stay ahead of the game? To help equip corporate leaders to take on these challenges, we are publishing 14 sector intelligence reports (covering Automotive, Banking, Beer, Chemical, Clothing, Electricity, Food, IT/Tech, Media and Entertainment, Mining, Oil and Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Supermarkets, and … “Understanding Views on Business – GlobeScan Radar Infographic and Sector Intelligence Reports”

Why Companies Must Win the Trust of Aspirational Consumers

Over the past two years, GlobeScan and its colleagues at BBMG have tracked the emergence of a market segment that is driving sustainability toward a tipping point. It is one where consumer motives are shifting away from obligation to do the right thing to desire to consume both differently and better. Choice frameworks are transitioning from “Or,” the trade-off model, to “And,” the co-benefit model. We call this important market segment the Aspirationals. In this edition of Proof Points, we ask which brands will be … “Why Companies Must Win the Trust of Aspirational Consumers”

Stakeholder Intelligence is Crucial for the Long Term Success of South African Companies

We recently held our first roundtable event in South Africa where attendees from a mix of industries including extractives, food & beverage, forestry, healthcare, financial services, tobacco, telecommunications and IT came together to discuss  stakeholder engagement and its place in the South African market. GlobeScan’s South African representative Anneke Greyling, presented new research findings on the current state of stakeholder engagement in South Africa which showed that the landscape is clearly changing but it is questionable whether corporates are adapting … “Stakeholder Intelligence is Crucial for the Long Term Success of South African Companies”

Freedom is in the Eye of the Beholder: Trust in National Governments is Associated with Perceived Freedom of Speech

In light of the recent global debate on the morality of mass surveillance programmes, GlobeScan has teamed up with the BBC World Service to ask over 17,000 people what their perspectives are on freedom and the right to privacy. In previous blog posts, we have used this data to show that Peru, Australia and Canada represent the freest democratic states (as indicated by our Perceived Freedom Index), and that an individual’s sense of freedom is not determined by socioeconomic or … “Freedom is in the Eye of the Beholder: Trust in National Governments is Associated with Perceived Freedom of Speech”

How Governments Fail to Lead on Sustainability

National governments must lead the transition to sustainable development, our experts say. Yet the latest GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey confirms what we all know: Governments are failing to deliver, resoundingly. What’s new about these latest findings is just how low the performance of national governments has fallen in the eyes of observers. Virtually none of our expert panel that was surveyed rates government performance as excellent, and just 3 percent give it a positive score of 4 out of 5. In the context of … “How Governments Fail to Lead on Sustainability”