Five Global Mega Trends Shaping The Future

The events of 2016 have underscored just how volatile, complex and ambiguous the world is today. Drawing on insights that we have collected around the world from thousands of interviews and engagements with stakeholders and consumers, we take a look at the global shifts that will continue to shape the world for leadership organizations in 2017. A Polarized World History now confirms that we live in a fractured world with people polarized in their views on many issues and in … “Five Global Mega Trends Shaping The Future”

Managing Trust Risk Infographic 2: Building Thick Trust

The trust deficiency that many businesses are facing is an underlying threat to their license to operate, that also undermines the reputation equity. Trust has become such a critical strategic issue that it needs to be fully integrated as part of risk management, and this evolution has reshuffled the cards for corporate affairs practitioners. Managing trust risk requires a better understanding of the meaning of trust as a concept, and of its core components in order to deliver a holistic … “Managing Trust Risk Infographic 2: Building Thick Trust”

Managing Trust Risk: Rethinking the Value of the Corporate Affairs and Communications Function

Trust has never been so high on a company’s agenda and this is for good reason. Trust in business has become a scarce commodity. The stakes are high and risks well-known: disruption in the stakeholder eco-system, loss of reputation, and potential financial turmoil. Continue reading this article in Communication Director, the official partner magazine of the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD)

Let’s Forget 2016 And Remember 2015

The events of 2016 have underscored how volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous the world is today. Indeed, from the election of Donald Trump in the United States to Brexit to a range of corporate and political scandals across the world makes our VUCA world feel that much more difficult to navigate, especially given our acute economic, environmental and social challenges we face. But we must continue to rally to look for opportunities to make progress in the area of sustainable … “Let’s Forget 2016 And Remember 2015”

Trust Risk: Corporate Affairs Professionals are Redefining How Business is Managing Trust

Many businesses are facing a trust deficiency that undermines their reputation equity. Not only it is an underlying threat to their license to operate, but it also represents a missed opportunity to engage in mutual, long-term, value-driven relationships with stakeholders. Trust has become such a critical strategic issue for business that it needs to be fully integrated as part of risk management. Continue reading this article in Communication World (CW), the digital magazine of the International Association of Business Communicators

Managing Trust Risk Infographic 1: Challenges and Solutions to Managing Risk

The trust deficiency that many businesses are facing is an underlying threat to their license to operate, that also undermines the reputation equity. Trust has become such a critical strategic issue that it needs to be fully integrated as part of risk management, and this evolution has reshuffled the cards for corporate affairs practitioners. Managing trust risk requires a better understanding of the meaning of trust as a concept, and of its core components in order to deliver a holistic … “Managing Trust Risk Infographic 1: Challenges and Solutions to Managing Risk”

The US Election: Another Example of Our VUCA World

The US election reinforces the truth of our VUCA world. There is little doubt that we are living in highly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous times. Like Brexit, the status quo was upturned in a staggering fashion in last week’s US election, teaching us all that we are living in uncharted waters replete with unknowable consequences. We are living in a world of great contradiction: on the one hand the world is witnessing exciting developments in technology and innovation, global … “The US Election: Another Example of Our VUCA World”

Trust is Increasingly Managed Like a Risk and Redefines the Approach to Business by Corporate Affairs Professionals

9 November 2016 – A recent self-assessment by corporate affairs professionals of how much their corporation is trusted by stakeholders depicts a context of uncertainty. Only one in five (21%) believes their company holds a very high amount of trust to operate in the best interest of society, according to findings from GlobeScan’s new global survey of corporate affairs professionals. They are countered by the same proportion who report their stakeholders have very little or no trust at all in their … “Trust is Increasingly Managed Like a Risk and Redefines the Approach to Business by Corporate Affairs Professionals”