Consumers in the African, Middle Eastern, and Latin American markets surveyed are significantly more likely than those in Europe and North America to say that social media influences them to become more environmentally friendly. Looking at age groups, the younger people are, the more likely they are to claim that social media influences their behavior in this area. Note for country list: Africa / Middle East markets include Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa; Latin America markets include Argentina, Brazil, … “Insight of the Week: Social Media Is More Likely to Influence Consumers in Emerging Markets to Live Sustainably”
In the G7 economies, around eight in ten Gen Z and Millennial shareholders view economic inequality as a significant investment risk. Older generations are somewhat less likely to share this concern, although nearly two-thirds of Baby Boomers and older also agree. Concern about the impact of economic inequality on investments is strong in all the G7 markets, with just over seven in ten shareholders on average agreeing that the issue poses a significant investment risk. Source: GlobeScan Radar report (survey of 29,293 people in … “Insight of the Week: Eight in Ten Young Shareholders Say Economic Inequality Is a Major Investment Risk “
Nine in ten corporate employees say their motivation and loyalty grows as their employer becomes more socially or environmentally responsible. Younger people working for large companies are more likely than those over 30 to “strongly” agree, suggesting corporate sustainability will become increasingly important for attracting and retaining employees. Source: GlobeScan Radar Trends Report (survey of 29,293 people in the general public in June ‒ July 2022)
People in Africa and in Latin America are most supportive of companies advocating for democracy, where seven in ten agree that companies should actively promote democracy. In contrast, just over half of North Americans agree. This could suggest higher interest in corporate advocacy from citizens in emerging markets, particularly around models that work to create more equitable societies. Source: GlobeScan Radar Trends Report (survey of 29,293 people in the general public in June ‒ July 2022)
Nearly two-thirds of people in countries surveyed in Africa / Middle East and Asia-Pacific are optimistic that future generations will enjoy a higher quality of life than they do today. In contrast, only one in three Europeans and four in ten Latin Americans and North Americans are optimistic about higher quality of life for their children and grandchildren. Source: GlobeScan Radar Trends Report (survey of 29,293 people in the general public in June ‒ July 2022)
Around the world, younger generations are much more likely than older ones to feel guilty about their negative impact on the environment. This highlights a significant generational gap among consumers and suggests that younger and rising generations may have higher expectations of brands to help reduce impacts on the environment. Source: GlobeScan Healthy & Sustainable Living Consumer Research (survey of 29,293 people in the general public in June ‒ July 2022)
Eight in ten experts believe that increasing renewable energy is an effective potential solution to address climate change. Other solutions that are rated as relatively effective are sustainable agriculture and food system solutions, reducing deforestation, and circular business models. Increasing renewable energy is also thought by experts to be one of the most easily implemented climate solutions. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Institute by ERM Survey of over 200 experts representing business, government, NGOs, service/media, and academiaacross 41 countries
National governments and large companies are seen by the public to be the most responsible for protecting nature, while only four in ten people hold themselves responsible. There are clear expectations from the public for governments to drive global governance processes for protecting nature, such as COP15 in Montreal, as well as through national legislation. Source: GlobeScan Navigating the Nature Agenda survey of 11,000 consumers in 11 countries between February 25 – March 15, 2022
When considering the urgency of all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), experts rate Climate Action as the most urgent goal. The top five most urgent SDGs are Climate Action, Zero Hunger, No Poverty, Reduced Inequalities, and Affordable and Clean Energy. However, many experts rate progress on the SDGs as poor and find that progress on many critical issues is still too slow. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Institute by ERM Survey of over 200 experts representing business, government, NGOs, service/media, and academiaacross 41 countries
Among those who have seen sustainability messaging from brands, strong majorities across the world trust their sustainability marketing communications. While there are valid criticisms of greenwashing by policy makers and NGOs, consumers broadly continue to trust sustainability messaging. Source: GlobeScan Healthy & Sustainable Living Consumer Research (survey of 29,293 people in the general public in June ‒ July 2022)