Large Companies and Governments Are Seen to Be Performing Poorly in Protecting Nature and Wildlife Performance of Actors Protecting Nature and Wildlife, Net Performance,* Average of 27 Countries, 2020 In all 27 countries and territories surveyed, respondents rate “people like me” positively, with a net performance score of +34 on protecting nature and wildlife. Performance of the UN is also seen as being largely positive. In contrast, government and especially business have negative net rating scores. In Europe and North … “Insight of the Week: Large Companies and Governments Are Seen to Be Performing Poorly in Protecting Nature and Wildlife”
Sustainability Experts Point to Climate Action as the Most Urgent of the Sustainable Development Goals Most Urgent Goal, Total Mentions, All Respondents (%), 2019–2021 Sustainability experts continue to call out Climate Action as the SDG requiring the most urgent action, followed by Life on Land, Reduced Inequalities, and Responsible Consumption and Production. Reduced Inequalities, Quality Education, Zero Hunger, and Good Health have all increased in perceived urgency compared to 2019. While the Global Goals are highly interrelated, it is clear … “Insight of the Week: Sustainability Experts Point to Climate Action as the Most Urgent of the Sustainable Development Goals”
A Majority of Sustainability Experts Believe the Pandemic Has Slowed Progress on the SDGs Impact of the Pandemic on the Sustainable Development Goals, % of Sustainability Experts, 2021 Over half of sustainability experts feel that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially among academics and NGO leaders. Conversely, more than a third of experts feel that the pandemic has accelerated progress on the SDGs. This implies added pressure on the … “Insight of the Week: A Majority of Sustainability Experts Believe the Pandemic Has Slowed Progress on the SDGs”
Consumers Rate Health, Food, and Tech Sectors Highest on Social Responsibility Performance of Sectors in Fulfilling Their Responsibilities to Society, Net Performance,* Average of 27 Countries, 2020 There is great variability in the reputation of sectors across the economy. Sectors providing essential services are rated particularly highly: Healthcare companies are rated the highest while pharmaceutical companies are a few ranks behind. Agriculture/farming, food, technology, and consumer goods sectors have all been instrumental in meeting essential needs during COVID-19. This highlights a … “Insight of the Week: Consumers Rate Health, Food, and Tech Sectors Highest on Social Responsibility”
Experts Rate Society’s Performance Poorly in Achieving the SDGs, Especially Goal #10 Society’s Performance on the Sustainable Development Goals % of Experts, 2021 Experts continue to rate progress on each individual SDG as mostly negative, with majorities rating progress as poor on ten of the 17 Goals. Progress on Reduced Inequalities, Life on Land, and Life Below Water is rated especially negatively. The Goals with the most positive progress include Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and Partnerships for the Goals. This assessment … “Insight of the Week: Experts Rate Society’s Performance Poorly in Achieving the SDGs, Especially Goal #10”
Worries About Water Strongest in the South Seriousness of Water Shortages, “Very Serious,” by Country, 2020 Although people in all 27 markets surveyed tend to be at least somewhat concerned about fresh water shortages, these concerns are much more intense among those living in Southern Europe, Latin America, and Africa and the Middle East. In contrast, Asian respondents tend to be the least worried about a lack of fresh water. Strong concern about water cuts across all demographic groups, with … “Insight of the Week: Worries About Water Strongest in the South”
Corporate Responsibility is Highly Motivating for Employees The More Responsible My Company Is, the More Motivated I Am, “Strongly Agree” and “Somewhat Agree,” Average of 19 Countries,* 2002–2020, Subsample: Corporate Employees** More than ever, corporate responsibility is having an impact on employees’ motivation and loyalty. For employees at large companies, over nine in ten say they feel more motivated and more loyal because of their employers’ efforts to be socially and environmentally responsible. This is especially high among: Younger generations Those with … “Insight of the Week: Corporate Responsibility is Highly Motivating for Employees”
One in Seven in Gen Z Have Protested to Make a Difference Protested Publicly to Make a Difference on Issues By Generation, Average of 27 Countries, 2020 Issues engagement and demographics both suggest that we are increasingly moving into an age of activism, where younger generations are more likely to use their voices to affect change. Fifteen percent of those belonging to Gen Z say they have protested publicly at events and rallies in the past year to make a … “Insight of the Week: One in Seven in Gen Z Have Protested to Make a Difference”
Women Are Significantly More Likely Than Men to Use Their Buying Power to Make a Difference Changed Purchase Choices to Make a Difference on Issues By Gender, Average of 27 Countries, 2020 GlobeScan’s data consistently show that women are more concerned about social and environmental issues and are more likely to use their power as consumers to address these concerns. Data show that females are significantly more likely than males to say they have changed their purchasing choices in … “Insight of the Week: Women Are Significantly More Likely Than Men to Use Their Buying Power to Make a Difference”
Most View Biodiversity Loss as Very Serious Seriousness of Biodiversity Loss, Average of 27 Countries, 2020 More than half across 27 markets believe loss of biodiversity is “very serious.” The perceived seriousness of biodiversity loss is higher in Latin America and Europe, while much lower in Asia-Pacific. There is a clear trend of younger generations believing that the problem of losing species is more serious compared to older generations. Notes: Question wording: For each of the following possible global problems, … “Insight of the Week: Most View Biodiversity Loss as Very Serious”