The 2018 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report

About the Survey The GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey is the longest-running survey of its kind and has tracked expert opinions on sustainable development leadership for over 20 years. In our latest survey, we analyze the viewpoints of over 700 sustainability experts to answer a number of pressing questions, including: Which companies and NGOs do experts believe are leading the sustainability agenda? What key factors set them apart? How can young adults most influence the sustainability agenda? Introduction The 2018 GlobeScan-Sustainability Leaders … “The 2018 GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report”

Upcoming Webinar | FSC and GlobeScan on Targeting Untapped Global Consumer Demand for Sustainably-Sourced Products

Consumers have high expectations that the forest products they buy are sourced responsibly and free from deforestation. In fact, research conducted by FSC and GlobeScan in 2017 indicates that this was one of the most important factors affecting the purchasing decisions of consumers worldwide. However, despite these expectations, the research uncovered a significant trust gap. Whilst 79% of consumers expect companies to ensure that the products they sell do not contribute to deforestation, only a quarter (26%) have a lot … “Upcoming Webinar | FSC and GlobeScan on Targeting Untapped Global Consumer Demand for Sustainably-Sourced Products”

Partnerships for Progress: Perspectives from the SDG 17 Leadership Forum | Report

SDG Goal 17 Leadership Forum hosted by Unilever and GlobeScan Read the full report from our online discussion of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 17 on global partnerships for sustainability. Learn from the perspectives of 328 participants who explored how partnerships can help fund the Goals and scale up social entrepreneurs. Our discussion focused on the impact partnerships can have in the provision of new models of financing the Goals and in empowering small-scale social entrepreneurs to scale up … “Partnerships for Progress: Perspectives from the SDG 17 Leadership Forum | Report”

Social Polarisation: Insights from Corporate Professionals – Spanish Report

The impacts of political, economic, and social instability are dominating the external environment in which companies operate. Among growing material risks, social polarisation is now emerging as a core area that companies need to prioritise, with nearly seven in ten corporate professionals viewing it as a great risk to business. The potential risks of a polarised society are manifold, but three main areas emerge as being highly associated with polarisation: instability, greater economic inequality and slowdown, and eroding trust. In … “Social Polarisation: Insights from Corporate Professionals – Spanish Report”

Report: Upcoming Ivory Ban Widely Supported by Consumers in China

Largest-ever Ivory Consumer Survey Also Finds Awareness is Low 12 December 2017 – As a landmark ban on domestic ivory trade comes into effect in China at the end of this month, a TRAFFIC, GlobeScan and WWF survey found that the ban has widespread support from a majority of consumers surveyed and that it is likely to substantially reduce ivory purchase. However, many citizens are unaware of the upcoming ban. The ban is widely hailed by the international community as a game changer that, … “Report: Upcoming Ivory Ban Widely Supported by Consumers in China”

Demand Under the Ban: China Ivory Consumption Research | Report

TRAFFIC and WWF commissioned GlobeScan to conduct research in order to build upon previous consumer analysis and to generate up-to-date insights about ivory consumption and consumer perceptions toward the impending ivory ban. This research seeks to discover the nature of ivory consumption in 15 surveyed cities in China, to understand consumers’ perception towards the ivory ban, and to assess effective massaging and mechanisms for demand reduction. This research will also serve as the foundation of TRAFFIC and WWF’s future behavior change … “Demand Under the Ban: China Ivory Consumption Research | Report”

Social Polarisation: A New Risk to Integrate for Business | Report

Opinions and Insights from Corporate Professionals 5th December 2017 – The impacts of political, economic, and social instability are dominating the external environment in which companies operate. Among growing material risks, social polarisation is now emerging as a core area that companies need to prioritise, according to findings from GlobeScan’s new global survey of corporate affairs professionals. Nearly seven in ten corporate professionals view social polarisation as a great risk to business. The potential risks of a polarised society are … “Social Polarisation: A New Risk to Integrate for Business | Report”

Social Polarisation: Opinions and Insights from Corporate Professionals | Report

A Global Survey of Corporate Affairs Professionals The impacts of political, economic, and social instability are dominating the external environment in which companies operate. Among growing material risks, social polarisation is now emerging as a core area that companies need to prioritise, with nearly seven in ten corporate professionals viewing it as a great risk to business. The potential risks of a polarised society are manifold, but three main areas emerge as being highly associated with polarisation: Instability Greater economic … “Social Polarisation: Opinions and Insights from Corporate Professionals | Report”

Evaluating Progress on Climate Change | Report

The 2017 Survey on Climate Change by GlobeScan / SustainAbility 2017 Climate Survey of Experts Two years after the breakthrough achievement of the Paris Agreement, we asked global sustainability experts representing business, government, NGOs and academia to evaluate progress made by the global community on addressing climate change generally and implementing the Agreement specifically. Our panel of experts consisted of 398 qualified sustainability experts from September 26th to October 13th, 2017. Our expert panel’s assessment is bleak. More than half … “Evaluating Progress on Climate Change | Report”

Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) | Report

A GlobeScan Radar eBrief As part of our latest Radar research program, we asked citizens in 21 countries about their awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals one year on from the launch, as well as the views of those in 15 countries on different institutions’ performance in acting to implement them. While awareness is fairly low in 2017, nearly four in ten global respondents report having at least some awareness about the Goals. Among the general public around the world, corporate … “Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) | Report”