To have a fighting chance of enduring success, businesses can no longer be half-hearted or tentative about sustainability. They now have to go All In. Join our October 10 webinar with the authors of All In: The Future of Business Leadership, the new book that provides corporate leaders with the inspiration and guidance they need to fully embrace the opportunities and challenges of sustainability leadership. In this webinar, moderated by Christina Wong, Director, SustainAbility, the authors will share with you the … “Upcoming Webinar | All In: The Future of Business Leadership, featuring Interface and Unilever”
IKEA Group (Ingka Holding B.V. and its controlled entities*) and GlobeScan are delighted to invite you to a webinar on September 25 at 8am New York / 2pm Stockholm / 8pm Hong Kong to share the learnings from Climate Action Starts At Home – our research study conducted with thousands of people across the world. In this webinar Pia Heidenmark-Cook, Chief Sustainability Officer of IKEA Group and Chris Coulter, co-CEO of GlobeScan will present insights from our study and discuss their implications … “Upcoming Webinar with IKEA Group | Climate Action Starts At Home”
GlobeScan is pleased to have recently completed a second comprehensive study of seafood consumers globally for The Marine Stewardship Council. We surveyed more than 25,000 consumers in 22 countries and found that a large majority of consumers are increasingly demanding independent verification of sustainability claims in supermarkets (72% this year compared to 68% in our first study in 2016). Key Findings from the 2018 Seafood Consumers Study: 70% of seafood consumers say that they would like to hear more from … “Seafood Consumers Want Less Pollution and More Fish in the Sea”
In many ways, the future of our world will be defined by Asia. With a ballooning economic growth rate and a leadership role in implementing alternative energy solutions, the GlobeScan Hong Kong team recently hosted two key events with thought leaders to discuss how to accelerate the drive towards a more sustainable, better world. Our first event was hosted by Dream Impact, a community of socially minded entrepreneurs who share the same vision in creating collective social impact through business and … “All-In in Asia: The Future of Business Leadership”
We recently hosted two regional webinars to discuss the results of The 2018 Sustainability Leaders survey. Download the full report here. The GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey is the longest-running survey of its kind and has tracked expert opinions on sustainable development leadership for over 20 years. In our latest survey, we analyze the viewpoints of over 700 sustainability experts. Pressing sustainability questions that were discussed included: Which companies and NGOs do experts believe are leading the sustainability agenda? What key factors … “The 2018 Sustainability Leaders Survey | Webinar Recap”
On May 31, GlobeScan and SC Johnson hosted an English/Spanish webinar, with a focus on Latin America, on how companies are raising the bar for transparency and why it matters. (See the recap of the Brazil-focused webinar from May 10 here) Chris Coulter, co-CEO of GlobeScan moderated the engaging conversation and shared his own insights from GlobeScan’s 20 years of global tracking on the sustainability agenda, and why fostering transparency is a defining characteristic of leadership. Kelly Semrau, Senior Vice President … “Webinar Recap | Making the Case for Building Trust Through Transparency (LatAm)”
GlobeScan and SC Johnson are delighted to invite you to a webinar on Thursday, May 31 at 9am CDT / 10am EST for an engaging conversation on how companies are raising the bar for transparency and why it matters. We’ll share with you insights from GlobeScan’s 20 years of global tracking on the sustainability agenda, with a focus on Latin America, and why fostering transparency is a defining characteristic of leadership. You’ll hear how SC Johnson – maker of trusted household products … “Upcoming Webinar | Making the Case for Building Trust Through Transparency (LatAm)”
GlobeScan and SustainAbility are delighted to invite you to a webinar to discuss the results of The 2018 Sustainability Leaders Survey. Join us for a dynamic and insightful conversation with global thought leaders who will share their insights on the 2018 survey findings and answer your questions on the current and future state of sustainability leadership. For your convenience, we are hosting separate webinars for Americas/EMEA and Asia Pacific audiences. We hope you can join us! On June 19, our Americas/EMEA webinar … “Upcoming Webinar | The 2018 Sustainability Leaders Survey”
On May 10, GlobeScan and SC Johnson hosted our first dual language webinar on how companies are raising the bar for transparency and why it matters. The lively discussion was moderated by Álvaro Almeida, Director, Brazil, GlobeScan. Chris Coulter, co-CEO of GlobeScan shared insights from GlobeScan’s 20 years of global tracking on the sustainability agenda, with a focus on Brazil, and why fostering transparency is a defining characteristic of leadership. Kelly Semrau, Senior Vice President – Global Corporate Affairs, Communication and … “Webinar Recap | Making the Case for Building Trust Through Transparency (Brazil)”
Consumers have high expectations that the forest products they buy are sourced responsibly and free from deforestation. In fact, research conducted by FSC and GlobeScan in 2017 indicates that this was one of the most important factors affecting the purchasing decisions of consumers worldwide. However, despite these expectations, the research uncovered a significant trust gap. Whilst 79% of consumers expect companies to ensure that the products they sell do not contribute to deforestation, only a quarter (26%) have a lot … “Upcoming Webinar | FSC and GlobeScan on Targeting Untapped Global Consumer Demand for Sustainably-Sourced Products”