This blog is part of the GlobeScan/SustainAbility Leaders Survey 20th anniversary project being conducted by GlobeScan and SustainAbility in partnership with Interface. Since 1997, GlobeScan has been asking a global panel of sustainability experts who exemplifies and what defines leadership on sustainable development. While asking the same questions for 20 years might sound a little too close to Einstein’s definition of insanity, in truth it has been fascinating, both for the constants in the process and for the huge changes in responses we have revealed. … “The Dynamics of Corporate Sustainability Leadership Over Two Decades: Insights from Dow’s Neil Hawkins”
Webinar Recap | Driving Change: A Conversation with Unilever on Creating a New Way of Doing Business
On 3 October 2017, Unilever and GlobeScan hosted a webinar conversation with Sue Garrard, EVP, Sustainable Business & Communications from Unilever, and Chris Coulter, co-CEO of GlobeScan. Their conversation explored where Unilever has come from, where the company is now and the future of sustainable business including the challenges and successes encountered along the way. They took a close look at the future of corporate leadership and what companies should be doing to keep their organizations ahead of the curve. … “Webinar Recap | Driving Change: A Conversation with Unilever on Creating a New Way of Doing Business”
On July 27, we hosted a webinar with SIGWATCH titled: Saint, Sinner or Change Maker? Measuring the Impact of NGOs on Corporate Reputation. It’s a truism that today’s NGOs are political weather-makers across a wide range of issues. From the environment and consumerism to human rights and animal welfare, we see corporations often struggling with NGO-led public policy storms nationally and globally. What is the effect of NGO campaigns on corporate reputation? Are they affecting public trust in NGOs versus business, and … “Webinar Recap: Saint, Sinner or Change Maker? Measuring the Impact of NGOs on Corporate Reputation”
With all that has happened over the past 12 months, it felt appropriate to include this Star Wars reference in the title of this blog. Far from being gratuitous, I use it to highlight the positive reaction that many businesses have had to the significant political shocks and instability that we have been witnessing. In BSR and GlobeScan’s ninth annual Sustainable Business Survey, a majority of corporate sustainability professionals say they are confident that their companies will stay the course … “Stay on Target! Stay on Target! – Results from the Ninth Annual BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Survey”
Tarred by the Same Brush: How Should American Companies React to the Declining Reputation of the US?
Among global publics, the US has never been the most popular country, at least in terms of the way people view the impact it has on the world. We know this because of the long-term tracking survey GlobeScan has conducted with the BBC World Service since 2005. In our latest global country poll for the BBC World Service, the US showed the most substantial decline in ratings out of all the countries polled this year. In 2012, the US … “Tarred by the Same Brush: How Should American Companies React to the Declining Reputation of the US?”
Saint, Sinner or Change Maker? Measuring the Impact of NGOs on Corporate Reputation It’s a truism that today’s NGOs are political weather-makers across a wide range of issues. From the environment and consumerism to human rights and animal welfare, we see corporations often struggling with NGO-led public policy storms nationally and globally. What is the effect of NGO campaigns on corporate reputation? Are they affecting public trust in NGOs versus business, and if so, what are the policy implications? And … “Upcoming Webinar: Saint, Sinner or Change Maker? Measuring the Impact of NGOs on Corporate Reputation”
Recognized as the most sustainable company in Latin America, Brazilian cosmetics manufacturer Natura is about to become a global player. It has offered €1 billion to L’Oreal for the acquisition of The Body Shop. The deal, set to be finalized by the end of this year, will solve one of Natura’s biggest challenges: how to scale up faster in the developed markets of Europe and the United States. Natura’s admiration for The Body Shop began a long time ago. The … “Natura’s Journey to Becoming a Global Company”
Mark Watson is Head of Sustainable Development at John Swire & Sons (HK) Ltd., having previously been Head of Environmental Affairs at Cathay Pacific Airways Limited since 2008 where he led the company’s efforts on securing a global climate deal on aviation emissions at the UN ICAO. Mark has worked in the sustainable development arena for over 20 years in a range of sectors and countries including private sector advisory, corporate and government roles in PR China, Africa, the Caribbean … “Recognizing Leaders: Mark Watson, John Swire & Sons”
Barbara Brooks Kimmel is the CEO and Cofounder of Trust Across America-Trust Around the World whose mission is to help organizations build trust. Barbara also runs the world’s largest global Trust Alliance, is the editor of the award winning TRUST INC. book series and a Managing Member at FACTS® Asset Management, a NJ registered investment advisor. In 2012 was named one of “25 Women who are Changing the World” by Good Business International. GlobeScan co-CEO Chris Coulter recently interviewed Barbara to discuss the value of trust and … “Recognizing Leaders: Barbara Kimmel, Trust Across America”
The events of 2016 have underscored just how volatile, complex and ambiguous the world is today. Drawing on insights that we have collected around the world from thousands of interviews and engagements with stakeholders and consumers, we take a look at the global shifts that will continue to shape the world for leadership organizations in 2017. A Polarized World History now confirms that we live in a fractured world with people polarized in their views on many issues and in … “Five Global Mega Trends Shaping The Future”