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What Defines Corporate Affairs Leadership in 2022? A GlobeScan e-Brief Report

Who are the leaders and why are they seen as trendsetters in corporate affairs? Together with findings from the Oxford-GlobeScan Global Corporate Affairs Survey, we are sharing our insights and advice on the crucial role and responsibilities of the Corporate Affairs function in today’s complex world. The first e-Brief in our new series explores ‘Defining Corporate Affairs Leadership.’ We take a look at what it takes to achieve recognition from peers, and how Corporate Affairs teams can continue to evolve … “What Defines Corporate Affairs Leadership in 2022? A GlobeScan e-Brief Report”

Insight of the Week: Societal Expectations for Corporate Purpose Likely to Grow Significantly

A strong majority of Corporate Affairs professionals across the world believe that societal expectations for purposeful leadership from companies will grow in the coming years. Responding to these growing societal expectations will likely mean more focus on corporate purpose and demonstrations of a positive impact on society.   Source: Oxford-GlobeScan Global Corporate Affairs Survey of 221 Corporate Affairs and corporate communications professionals across 23 countries

Report: Geopolitical Risk and Uncertainty is the Number One Corporate Affairs Priority​

In our annual survey of global Corporate Affairs professionals, GlobeScan partners with Oxford University’s Saïd Business School to understand global trends, priorities, challenges, and best practices in the arena of Corporate Affairs. Our latest survey took place in the context of businesses having to come to terms with new challenges that have arisen from high inflation, post-COVID ways of working, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Geopolitical risk and uncertainty has become the number one Corporate Affairs priority since last … “Report: Geopolitical Risk and Uncertainty is the Number One Corporate Affairs Priority​”

Insight of the Week: Corporate Affairs Roles Are Increasingly Focused on Social Context for Business

Considering how the context within which the Corporate Affairs function has changed in recent years, Corporate Affairs professionals report that capturing the social context within which business operates has grown in prominence compared to three years ago. Other activities that are increasing in prominence are addressing climate risk and an increasing focus on good internal communications. This suggests that the Corporate Affairs function is evolving to better address sustainability and ESG issues as a part of daily activities. Source: Oxford-GlobeScan … “Insight of the Week: Corporate Affairs Roles Are Increasingly Focused on Social Context for Business”

Insight of the Week: Political Populism and Polarisation Is Increasingly Seen to Be a Risk to Business

In a world where broad-based social movements are progressively mobilising around issues such as diversity, inclusion, equality, and corruption, Corporate Affairs professionals are increasingly recognising the impact of political populism and the growing polarisation and instability that it brings. The uncertainty it introduces is seen as a rising concern.    Since 2020, these risks have grown, with nearly half of Corporate Affairs professionals expressing this as a risk to business, up significantly from last year.  Source: Oxford-GlobeScan Global Corporate Affairs … “Insight of the Week: Political Populism and Polarisation Is Increasingly Seen to Be a Risk to Business”

Insight of the Week: Top Ten Corporate Affairs Leaders

Unilever, Anglo American, Apple, BP, and Nestlé are viewed as being the leaders in Corporate Affairs according to the 2022 Oxford-GlobeScan Global Corporate Affairs Survey. The Corporate Affairs function plays a strong role as a convenor working with stakeholders inside and outside of the company.  Along with the role being well integrated across an organization, stakeholders point to managing business risk, having a clear purpose, a coherent narrative, and stakeholder engagement as key factors for being a recognized leader in Corporate Affairs. ​ Source: Oxford-GlobeScan Global … “Insight of the Week: Top Ten Corporate Affairs Leaders”

Insight of the Week: Climate Concern Among Experts Has Grown Consistently Over the Past Decade

The perceived urgency of climate change has risen steadily in the past decade, with sustainability experts today almost unanimously calling climate change an urgent issue. As climate concern grows, so do expectations for companies and brands to focus on delivering impact, not only on their own performance but also for the broader sustainability agenda. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Institute by ERM Survey of over 700 experts representing business, government, NGOs, and academia across 73 countries​  

Insight of the Week: One in Five Companies Have Been Accused of Greenwashing

As companies communicate more about environmental and social topics, they also face scrutiny about their actions and impacts. Where there is a perceived disconnect between statements of intent and actual activities, accusations of greenwashing soon follow. According to Corporate Affairs professionals, just over one in five organizations have been accused of greenwashing in the past. This is particularly common among respondents in Europe (32%) and the consumer products/retail sectors (41%). Source: Oxford-GlobeScan Global Corporate Affairs Survey 2022, n=221, 2022

Global Sustainability Community Comes Together To Support Ukraine

24-Hour Web-a-thon Event Explores the Future of the Sustainability Agenda and Raises Funds to Help Rebuild Civil Society in Ukraine Web-a-thon Recordings On 21st June, the global sustainability community came together for Sustainability for Ukraine to explore the future of sustainability, and the need for more collaborative, inclusive efforts to advance sustainable development. The event was a 24-hour continuous, online webinar, with 24 different panels and topics featuring over 90 speakers from around the world, who explored the current state … “Global Sustainability Community Comes Together To Support Ukraine”

Insight of the Week: Experts Say the War in Ukraine May Accelerate the Transition to Renewables in the Long Term

Considering how the war in Ukraine will affect sustainability in the long term, experts are most likely to say it will accelerate the use of renewable energy. However, many also acknowledge that it may be a distraction in the short term, and some believe that it will draw attention and resources from the sustainable development agenda in the longer term. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Institute by ERM Survey of over 700 experts representing business, government, NGOs, and academia across 73 countries​

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Insight of the Week: Growing Expectations for National Governments to Lead on Sustainable Development in Coming Decades

Compared with five years ago, sustainability experts today are more likely to say that national governments, the private sector, and multi-sector partnerships should drive sustainable development. As pressure grows on these groups, experts are also less likely to expect leadership from The United Nations. Following The United Nations’ launch of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, experts may now be looking to national governments and business to implement the sustainability agenda. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Institute by ERM Survey of over 700 … “Insight of the Week: Growing Expectations for National Governments to Lead on Sustainable Development in Coming Decades”

Globescan Recognized as One of the Best For The World B Corps of 2022 for Governance

We are delighted to announce that GlobeScan has been named a ‘Best For The World 2022: Governance’ B Corp in recognition of our best practices and consistent efforts to positively impact all our stakeholders. We rank in the top 5% of all B Corps in our size group worldwide in the Governance impact area. Every year, B Lab recognizes the B Corps that have achieved the highest verified scores in the five impact areas evaluated on the B Impact Assessment. … “Globescan Recognized as One of the Best For The World B Corps of 2022 for Governance”

Insight of the Week: Integration and Impact Are Key Indicators of Recognized Corporate Sustainability Leadership

Along with integration, experts are increasingly looking for evidence of impacts and actions when it comes to corporate sustainability leadership.  Compared with four years ago, experts are more likely to recognize companies as sustainability leaders because they share impactful results of their sustainability initiatives.  While purpose and goals remain important, growing attention to greenwashing means that claims need to be reinforced with tangible results. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Institute by ERM Survey of over 700 experts representing business, government, NGOs, and academia … “Insight of the Week: Integration and Impact Are Key Indicators of Recognized Corporate Sustainability Leadership”

Insight of the Week: WWF Continues to Lead NGOs in Advancing Sustainable Development

Across all sectors and geographies, sustainability experts are most likely to name World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as the leading NGO for advancing sustainable development.  Overall, mentions of NGOs have declined in recent years, which could indicate an expectation that these organizations should be doing more to mobilize efforts on sustainable development.  Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey of over 700 experts representing business, government, NGOs, and academia across 73 countries​  

Insight of the Week: Unilever and Patagonia Maintain the Top Sustainability Leadership Positions, with Others Increasingly Recognized

Three in ten sustainability experts name Unilever as sustainability leader, followed by Patagonia.  These companies have maintained their leadership positions over the last decade, with other companies increasingly being recognized for their sustainability efforts. Microsoft makes the top five for the first time, behind Natura &Co and IKEA. Source: GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey of over 700 experts representing business, government, NGOs, and academia across 73 countries​

The 2022 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report & Webinar

About the 2022 Sustainability Leaders Survey Findings from the 2022 Sustainability Leaders Survey, by GlobeScan and The SustainAbility Institute by ERM, finds that sustainability leadership is increasingly being measured by evidence of action, impact, and above all the integration of sustainability into business strategy. This year’s findings draw from more than 700 sustainability experts who once again came together from over 70 countries. Just as the pandemic begins to feel more under control, a new disruption hit the world in … “The 2022 GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders Survey | Report & Webinar”

Survey Finds Sustainability Leadership is Now Defined by Evidence of Integration and Impact

23 June 2022: A new survey from the SustainAbility Institute by ERM and GlobeScan finds that sustainability leadership is increasingly being measured by evidence of action, impact, and above all the integration of sustainability into business strategy. The GlobeScan / SustainAbility Leaders survey, which questioned more than 700 sustainability professionals across 73 countries in March and April 2022, reveals a significant evolution in the way companies are assessed on their sustainability leadership. High-profile CEO engagement and strong communication around sustainability … “Survey Finds Sustainability Leadership is Now Defined by Evidence of Integration and Impact”

Insight of the Week: Strong Majorities around the World Believe That Children Need to Spend Time in Nature

In almost every country surveyed, more than three in four people say children need to spend time in nature. This feeling is particularly strong in emerging markets but ​is also prominent in more industrialized countries as well. This suggests that children and future generations can be a powerful driver in motivating people to preserve nature. Source: Navigating the Nature Agenda, a GlobeScan survey of 10,996 respondents across 11 countries on perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors around nature ​

Sustainability for Ukraine | Global 24-hour Web-a-Thon on the Future of Sustainability and Fundraiser for Civil Society in Ukraine

Please join a global 24-hour web-a-thon on the future of sustainability and fundraiser for civil society in Ukraine – June 21 The war in Ukraine comes on top of a deluge of unprecedented global events that threaten to turn back progress on the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and undermine the well-being of people and the environment around the world. Starting on June 21, at 08.00 EST / 13:00 BST, the global sustainability community is coming together for … “Sustainability for Ukraine | Global 24-hour Web-a-Thon on the Future of Sustainability and Fundraiser for Civil Society in Ukraine”

Insight of the Week: Public Trusts Information on Nature from Documentaries, Scientists, Friends & NGOs Twice as Much as from Business

Across 11 countries surveyed, people are most likely to say that documentaries, scientists, friends and family, and nature NGOs are the most trusted sources for information on nature.  Fewer than half trust business leaders or celebrity spokespeople. As consumers pay more attention to nature claims, businesses can build credibility by publicly supporting nature scientists, films and NGOs, and helping to amplify their message. Source: Navigating the Nature Agenda, a GlobeScan survey of 10,996 respondents across 11 countries on perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors … “Insight of the Week: Public Trusts Information on Nature from Documentaries, Scientists, Friends & NGOs Twice as Much as from Business”

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Report | Leading Regenerative Brands: Five Paradigm Shifts to Thrive in a World in Flux

As we emerge from the pandemic and navigate the compounding impacts of climate change, racial injustice, economic inequality, societal divisions, violence and war, brand leaders are facing profound paradigm shifts in dynamics of power, space, time, leadership, and relationships that create new challenges – and opportunities – for business leadership and impact. In a new report by BBMG and GlobeScan, Leading Regenerative Brands: Five Paradigm Shifts to Thrive in a World in Flux, we share a vision for regenerative leadership inspired by a … “Report | Leading Regenerative Brands: Five Paradigm Shifts to Thrive in a World in Flux”

Shoppers Change Buying Habits Amid Rising Eco-Anxiety About the Future of Oceans

New findings released today by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) show growing concern among the public around the world about the state of the world’s oceans, accompanied by a rise in those saying their buying habits can make a difference to this threat. The independent survey of attitudes to seafood and ocean health – carried out by GlobeScan in 23 countries and involving 25,000 people – is the largest of its kind in the world. It found that almost 90% … “Shoppers Change Buying Habits Amid Rising Eco-Anxiety About the Future of Oceans”

Insight of the Week: High Public Concern about the State of Nature in Countries around the World

Few people around the world say nature is in a good state; most express worry or alarm about nature in their country.  ​ Concern about nature being in a catastrophic state is highest in Brazil, Malaysia, Mexico, and France, and lowest in China and the UK.​ Public anxiety for the state of nature is nearly universal, suggesting a global agreement on nature would be well received by people in most countries. Source: Navigating the Nature Agenda, a GlobeScan survey of 10,996 respondents across 11 countries on perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors around nature ​

Five Trends in Communicating Food Sustainability to Consumers

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report released in April 2022 made a clear case for the need to transform our global food system to a more sustainable basis. The report estimates that “21–37% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are attributable to the food system” including agriculture, land use, storage, transport, packaging, processing, retail and consumption. On the consumption side, we can see early signs of shifts in food choices: 24% of people across the world said … “Five Trends in Communicating Food Sustainability to Consumers”