As 2013 begins, the leadership of various international bodies is changing, with Ireland assuming the presidency of the EU, a clutch of nations joining the UN Security Council, and the UK taking charge of the G8. Despite the shifts in power apparent in the global system, the G8 remains a formidable grouping, and British Prime Minister David Cameron has vowed to put free trade at the heart of the British G8 Presidency. In some respects Mr Cameron has chosen his … “Global public supports free market, less favourable to global business—can CSR heal wounds?”
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This article originally appeared on 17 December 2012 – With the world’s major economies still stuttering, and recent figures suggesting that growth in Asia’s emerging economies has slowed, it’s not a surprise that jobs are back on the agenda. Questions are being asked as to how tens of millions of jobs will be maintained – jobs that have lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. Making headway in the jobs arena will require different actors within society … “How Companies Can Help to Bridge the Global Skills Gap”
With European ministers meeting this week to hammer out a deal on reduction of Greece’s debt, and persistent rumours of bailouts for some others in the Mediterranean region, Europe’s economic crisis continues to feature prominently in the news agenda. As GlobeScan’s most recent opinion polling shows, this clearly reflects the worries of its citizens. Spanish citizens best encapsulate the crisis narrative, with unemployment, the economy and political problems cited most often as the most pressing problems facing the country. Here, … “Economic problems and unemployment dominate global concerns”
Findings from a new public opinion poll conducted as part of The Regeneration Roadmap (a joint project by GlobeScan and SustainAbility)
Findings from the latest GlobeScan/SustainAbility Survey of sustainability experts.
Download the Full Report 12 December 2012 – The latest GlobeScan SustainAbility Survey finds that, despite a poor track record by governments, most experts believe that the most effective way that companies can advance the sustainable development agenda is by working with multiple actors—including governments. Relatively few SD experts think progress will be best made through partnerships that do not include governments or by companies acting alone. The findings are drawn from a GlobeScan / SustainAbility Survey of sustainability experts across corporate, government, … “Collaborating for a Sustainable Future”
Download the Report (PDF) 11 December 2012 – A recent GlobeScan study of Nigerian women living in urban slums has highlighted the risks they run to their health and personal safety by using informal and outside toilet facilities – and the challenges associated with lack of adequate infrastructure in many developing nations. GlobeScan was engaged by WaterAid to conduct a poll of women living in informal settlements in and around Lagos relating to access to sanitation and levels of concern around … “Nigerian Women in Informal Settlements Face Daily Challenges in Sanitation and Security”
GlobeScan’s Communication on Progress for the UN Global Compact outlines our efforts in making the Global Compact ten principles part of our business strategy and day-to-day operations.
As high-level talks at the Doha Climate Conference got underway this week, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned humanity was locked in a “race against time” against global warming. However, GlobeScan’s most recent opinion polling shows that the global public’s concern about the climate continues to fall sharply. After rising for much of the last decade, the proportion of people describing climate change as a “very serious” issue dropped in the wake of the failed 2009 Copenhagen intergovernmental summit, and … “As Doha conference gets underway, climate concern falling sharply”
The media is one of the institutions that has suffered the greatest decline in public trust over recent years, according to GlobeScan’s long-term tracking. One country where trust in the fourth estate has been in particularly short supply is the UK, and events this week have placed the media’s problems firmly back in the spotlight. Public outcry was sparked by revelations 18 months ago that a major British tabloid, the News of the World, had hacked the voice-mail of murdered … “Britons likely to favour government in media intrusion controversy”
GlobeScan is an independent, employee-owned insights consultancy whose mission is to help co-create a more sustainable and equitable future. We work with large companies, NGOs and multi-lateral organizations to help them better understand and respond to stakeholder expectations and societal issues.
The only way we can do this effectively is through the generous participation of our expert community in our research projects. In return, we will share exclusive reports, invite you to interesting webinars and make donations to One Tree Planted, a leading reforestation charity.
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27 November 2012 – The Regeneration Roadmap recently co-hosted an event with the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). The discussion was chaired by SustainAbility’s Rob Cameron and accompanied by esteemed panellists Anthony Hodge, president of ICMM and Tom Burke, Chief Environmental Policy Advisor at Rio Tinto. This was an opportunity for key figures in the mining industry and in the field of sustainable development more broadly to react to some of the findings of The Regeneration … “Mining Industry Experts Gather to Help Set the State of Sustainable Development”
The Regeneration Consumer Study is an in-depth online survey of consumer attitudes, motivations and behaviors relating to sustainable consumption, put together by GlobeScan, SustainAbility, and BBMG
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Economic Policy Institute released a report this week claiming that income inequality in America has become drastically worse over the past thirty years. Yet GlobeScan’s most recent opinion polling shows that not only are Americans relaxed about society’s wealthiest, they do not perceive inequality to be a major problem. The matrix presented here shows how views towards inequality and personal wealth compare in countries around the world. Those shown nearer the … “China and India share relaxed Anglo-Saxon attitudes towards wealth”
27 November 2012 – On the eve of the holiday shopping season, a new study by The Regeneration Roadmap – a joint project by GlobeScan, SustainAbility, and BBMG – finds that consumers are rethinking consumption with sustainability in mind. According to The Regeneration Consumer Study, two-thirds of consumers in six countries say that “as a society, we need to consume a lot less to improve the environment for future generations” (66%), and that they feel “a sense of responsibility to purchase products that are good for the environment … “New Study Finds Consumers Buying Less and Buying Better”
Report and findings from WaterAid’s survey of women in Nigeria relating to access to sanitation and levels of concern around violence and intimidation towards women in this context.
With figures released this week indicating that the Eurozone has tipped back into recession, companies across the continent are desperately seeking to maintain their market share and revenues, even as household budgets slide. In August, Unilever’s head of European operations, Jan Zijderveld said “poverty is returning to Europe” and that companies were going to have to learn to adjust to that reality. GlobeScan’s most recent public attitudes tracking certainly shows that, while economic concern may have retreated from its 2008 … “Opportunity among the bleak times for business in Europe?”
When German Chancellor Angela Merkel travelled to Britain this week, she brought a plea for greater British engagement with Europe. Since Prime Minister David Cameron vetoed moves towards a new European treaty last December, the Eurozone has agreed greater steps toward political and economic union as it battles to save its currency, even as British parliamentarians have called for a reduction in the EU’s budget—illustrating the increasingly Euroskeptic tone of political discourse in the UK. In such an environment, commentators … “Brixit—Is Britain a Mid-Atlantic Island, or a Part of Europe?”
This article originally appeared on 5 November 2012 – Trust is a valued but elusive resource, especially when applied to business. Trust in business is seen as both a driver of corporate sustainability efforts and a hoped-for outcome of any sensible corporate sustainability strategy. New data from the 2012 BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Poll offers insights into strategies for enhancing trust in companies. GlobeScan has been working with BSR for the past four years on an annual quantitative survey of BSR member … “What Your Business Needs To Do To Overcome Public Distrust”
As Hurricane Sandy slammed into the eastern seaboard of North America, the US presidential contest was entering its home stretch. The material damage caused cannot be denied, but analysts have also occupied themselves with two further questions: most immediately, how might Sandy affect the election and, more widely, does the explanation for Sandy’s unusual strength lie in climate change? Looking back at trends in GlobeScan’s public opinion polling after Katrina provides us with some interesting reflections on both of these … “Sandy: In the shadow of Katrina”
Despite the recent strong signs that boom years may be coming to an end, the past two decades have seen unprecedented economic growth in many nations in the developing world. Previous GlobeScan polling has seen this reflected in generally higher levels of economic optimism among citizens, greater trust in institutions, and a much more upbeat assessment of the performance of the corporate world. It is something of a surprise therefore that GlobeScan’s most recent global polling also shows that people … “More than two in three globally believe humanity faces its greatest ever crisis, as economic fears abound”
We leverage the largest network of sustainability professionals in the world to produce resources that provide leaders with the inspiration, insight and counsel they need to fully embrace the opportunities and challenges of our world. See how we can support your work.
GlobeScan is a certified B Corporation, which means we meet the highest standards of overall social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability and aspire to use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.
Sustainability seems to have been largely absent from the conversation in the 2012 US Presidential campaign. Apart from a couple of fleeting moments when the spotlight has fallen on the issue—an argument between the candidates over energy policy in the second debate, and a joke about the President promising to stem the tide of the rising oceans by Mitt Romney in his convention speech—the American public could be forgiven for thinking that neither candidate cares much about sustainability issues. However, … “President Obama Viewed as the Candidate Most Likely to Fast-Forward Sustainability”
[jumplinks] Download the Full Release (PDF) 22 October 2012 – A new 21-nation poll for BBC World Service indicates that citizens around the world would strongly prefer to see Barack Obama re-elected as US President rather than his Republican challenger Mitt Romney. The poll of 21,797 people, conducted by GlobeScan/PIPA between July 3 and September 3, 2012, indicates that Obama is preferred to Romney in 20 of the 21 countries polled. Overall, an average of 50 per cent would prefer … “Global Poll: Obama Overwhelmingly Preferred to Romney”
Full Report of the BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Poll 2012, released at the BSR Conference 2012
‘State of Sustainable Business’ Research Reveals Strong Focus on Human Rights, Climate Change Download the Full Report (PDF) San Francisco, 18 October 2012 – Results from the fourth annual “BSR/GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business Poll 2012,” released today, outline the progress global business has made on 14 key sustainability challenges over the past 20 years, the areas where business is likely to make the most progress over the next 20 years, and key priorities for the year ahead—including human rights and … “New Poll of Business Leaders Highlights Sustainability Priorities for Global Companies”